Page 7 - ECLAT 2023-2024
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        Dear Friends,

        The  magazine  is  the  identity  of  the  college.  Magazine

        provides strong podium to the students for their writing & the

        way of thinking towards social issues & views towards life.

        Our  seniors  were  so  much  enthusiastic  &  hardworking  that

        they  continue  the  series  of  ECLAT.  Now,  it’s  our  turn  to

        maintain this tradition & give our students strong podium for

        their  talent  as  we  see  in  our  college  good  writers,  analyst,

        artist & poets are there. Through ECLAT we are paving the

        way to their hidden feelings, emotions, affection. It will act as

        a platform for our students.

        To  made  this  ECLAT-2024  possible  to  publish  we  heartly

        thanks  to  our  beloved  Dr.  Geeta  S.  Lathkar  Ma’am  for  her

        great support & motivation. Loads of thanks to Dr.S.L.Kotgire

        (Vice  principal)  sir,  Dr.  Govind  Hambarde  sir,  Mr.  Aniket  A.

        Bhore  Sir  &  all  HOD’s  &  other  faculty  members  for  their

        guidance & support. Last but not the least, our ECLAT-2024

        editorial team who work hard & friends who supported me to

        made it possible

        Thank you every one who directly or indirectly supports us for

        making ECLAT-2024 more creative & meaningful

        We  are  happy  to  handover  our  college  magazine  ECLAT-

        2024 to all the members of MGM family

        Hope you all loved it...

                           Rahul Balaji Shivlad

                                    Magzine Secretary

                                           B.Tech Civil
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