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                                                                  About Department

                                                                   The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in

                                                                  1984.  The  Department,  since  its  inception,  has  maintained  a  steady

                                                                  growth  in  every  sphere  of  its  activities  and  played  an  important  role  in

                                                                  bringing  a  vibrant  and  forward-looking  academic  environment.

                                                                  Department  is  offering  high  quality  undergraduate  and  postgraduate

                                                                  Engineering courses as well as providing an excellent infrastructure and

                                                                  facilities  for  state  of  the  art  technical  education  and  research.  The

                                                                  Department has research center of Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
                     Dr. A. M. Rajurkar                           University, Nanded & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,

                    Head of The Dept.
                                                                  Lonere for Ph.D. in CSE. The  Department has received research  grants of

            Rs  48.7  Lakhs  from  different  funding  agencies   8.Open  Source  Technology  &  Advanced

            such as BARC Mumbai, AICTE Delhi and AMUPMDC                                                        Programming Lab

            Mumbai.                                                                                             9.E-Yantra & IOT Lab

            The         Department                   of       Computer                 Science             &    10. AI & ML Lab

            Engineering  strives  for  excellence  in  creating,                                                Faculty Achievements

            applying,  and  imparting  knowledge  in  Computer                                                     1.  Dr.  B.  S.  Kapre  completed  her  Ph.  D.  titled,

            Science  and  Engineering  through  comprehensive                                                          “Design  of  Content  Based  Image  and  Video

            educational  programs,  research  in  collaboration                                                        Watermarking  Schemes  and  Architecture  in

            with  industry  and  government,  dissemination                                                            Compressed Domain “ in Jan 2024.

            through  scholarly  publications,  and  service  to                                                    2.  Kapre,  B.S.,  Rajurkar,  A.M.  &  Guru,  D.S.

            professional  societies,  the  community,  the  State,                                                     Published  Paper  titled,  “The  blind  robust

            and the Nation.                                                                                            video            watermarking                    scheme              in        video

            Department Vision                                                                                          surveillance  context”,    in  the  Int.  Journal

            To  be  one  of  the  leading  Departments  for                                                            “Multimedia  Tools  and  Applications”,  83,  pp

            Computer  Science  &  Engineering  education,                                                              38999–39025 (2024) Springer, having Impact

            developing  proficient  Computer  engineers  with                                                          Factor of 2.577 in 2024.

            global acceptance in the service of mankind..                                                          3.  Dr. A. M. Rajurkar (PI), Mr. R. G. Bisen(Co-PI) &

            Department Mission                                                                                         Ms.  N.  S.  Pande  (Co-PI)  -  Received  research

               1.  Providing               technical               skills          with          strong                grant of Rs. 15 Lakhs for 3 years on the topic

                   fundamentals  of  Computer  Science  discipline                                                     “Development  of  an  Automated  System  for

                   with an emphasis on software development.                                                           Segmentation, Detection and classification of

               2.  Inculcating                analytical,              programming                    and              Liver  Tumors  for  Quicker  Diagnosis”  from

                   multidisciplinary                         skills             to           enhance                   AMUPMDC,  Mumbai  for  the  year  2021  to

                   employability.                                                                                      2024.

               3.  Fostering  problem-solving,  team-building,  and                                                4.  Dr.  A.  M.  Rajurkar-  Working  as  a  Member  of

                   lifelong             learning              skills          with            societal,                Rearch  Recognition  Committee  and  Board  of

                   environmental and ethical sense.                                                                    Studies of SRTMUN.

               4.  Developing  researchers  and  entrepreneurs  to                                                 5.  Dr.  A.  M.  Rajurkar-  Received  Distinguished

                   solve  real-life  problems  through  industry                                                       Woman  Researcher  award  in  Image  &  Video

                   interactions and collaborations.                                                                    Processing  by  International  Women  Awards

            Major Laboratories                                                                                         (VIWA-2024) on 2nd March 24 at Chennai.

            1.Programming Lab – I                                                                                  6.  Dr.  A.  M.  Rajurkar-03  PhD  Scholars  have

            2.Programming Lab – II                                                                                     completed their PhD under her supervision in

            3.Data Structures Lab                                                                                      the academic year 2023-24

            4.Operation System Lab                                                                                  7. Dr.  A.  M.  Rajurkar  and  Dr.  M.Y.  Joshi  are

            5.Software Engineering Lab                                                                                 recognized  PhD  guides  of  SRTMUN  and

            6.DBMS & Cloud Computing Lab                                                                               DBATU

            7.Project Development Lab
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