Page 73 - ECLAT 2023-2024
P. 73

National Techno Innovation Project competition 2023.                                              III Prize

                                                                                             Received cash prize of Rs 5000/-
                                                                        Final Year
                10       Tanzeela Sameen
                                                                        IT                   Got Placed in Hexaware Technologies

                                                                                             Paper presentation (PRAGYAA)  Organized by SGGSSIET III Prize

                                                                                             Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador (BETA Member)

                11       Dipak Jadhav                                   TY IT                Zonal level Avishkar 2024 held at Gramin Technical

                                                                                             (GT&MCBN)                                                                                         III Prize

                                                                                             Maharashtra Student Innovation Challenge 2023 Got Rs.
                12       Shivam Vinod Lokulwar                          TY IT
                                                                                             1 lakh

                                                                                             Zenith 2024 State Level Sports Event held at SGGS                                                 Winner

                13       Shaikh Mudabbir Safi                           TY IT                Nanded - Football Tournament

                                                                                             IUT Selection in Football Team.

                14       Affan Faroqui                                  TY IT                Football University level Solapur ( Zonal Level )                                                 Winner

              Avishkar 2024 Runner-up Team                                      Mr. Dipak Jadhav (TY-IT) receiving                                        19 Year Old Young Female
                                                                                       3rd Prize in Avishkar 2024                                Commercial Pilot Ms. Yukta P. Biyani

                                                                                                                                                     invited for talk on Women’s Day

           Mr. Shivam Lokulwar Ty-IT alonwith                                    Winning Football Team Members                                            19 Year Old Young Female
                  Mr. Varad Jinturkar TY-ECT                                        from the Department getting                                  Commercial Pilot Ms. Yukta P. Biyani

                     received Rs. 1 Lakh from                                    trophy and certificates of Zenith                                   guiding the Girls about Career in

             Maharashtra Student Innovation                                     2024 Tournment from SGGS IE&T                                   Aviation on the occasion  of Womens’

                            Challange 2023.                                                           Director                                                    Day Celebrations

                          3-Days IOT Workshop Organized for B. Tech                                               3-Days IOT Workshop Organized for B. Tech

                               Final Year-IT Students with Industrial                                                   Final Year-IT Students with Industrial

                                                    Collaboration                                                                           Collaboration
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