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                                                                  About Department

                                                                  The  Civil  Engineering  Department  focuses  on  key  aspects  of

                                                                  infrastructure  like  housing,  water  supply,  transport,  and  public  works,

                                                                  which are essential for society's development. Since its start in 1984, the

                                                                  department has educated students to plan, design, and construct these

                                                                  structures.  The  department  has  began  with  30  students  and  added  a

                                                                  master's program in Structural Engineering in 2010. The department has

                                                                  modern  labs  for  teaching  various  engineering  skills  and  is  active  in

                       Dr. A. K. Hashmi                           research and consultations. Civil engineering will continue to be vital as

                     Head of The Dept.                            long as society grows.

           This  year,  the  Civil  Engineering  Department  has                                                MAJOR LABORATORIES

           performed                   well.           From             the          department,                   1. Engineering Mechanics

           Dr.Zameeruddin has published a book. All faculty                                                        2. Environmental Engineering

           members  have  good  publications  this  year.                                                          3. Computer Aided Analysis and Design

           Faculty  members  also  participated  in  many                                                         4.  Engineering Geology

           Faculty  Development  Programs  (FDPs).  Our                                                            5. Strength of Material

           students have been active too, engaging in various                                                     6.  Surveying

           social service activities through clubs and winning                                                     7. Concrete Technology

           awards              at       inter-institute                 technical              events.            8.  Transportation Engineering

           Additionally,                 Metarolls              Ispat          Pvt         Ltd        has         9.  Geotechnical Engineering

           sponsored a new Structural Engineering Lab to our                                                    10.    Fluid Mechanics

           department  that  will  benefit  second  and  third-                                                 Faculty Achievements:

           year students. Followings are the details of annual                                                  Book Published:

           report  for  the  Civil  Engineering  Department  for                                                   1. “Performance-based  Seismic  Assessment  of

           the year 2023-2024.                                                                                        Reinforced  Concrete  Structures”  by  Dr.  Md.

           Department Vision                                                                                          Zameeruddin, Apex Publication, 2023

           To  be  one  of  the  leading  Departments  for  Civil                                               Doctoral Awards / Thesis Guided by Faculty:

           engineering  education,  developing    proficient                                                       1. Mr.         Abha            Hirekhan,               “Seismic              damage

           Engineers with global acceptance in the service of                                                         assessment of low-rise, medium rise and high

           mankind.                                                                                                   rise  Reinforced  concrete  buildings  using

           Department Mission                                                                                         performance based seismic design approach”

               1. Providing quality civil engineering education to                                                    under the guidance of Dr. Md. Zameeruddin

                  address  infrastructural  and  environmental                                                     2. Ms.  Sneha  Hirekhan,  “Performance-based

                  challenges,  with  a  focus  on  sustainable                                                        seismic  evaluation  of  Reinforced  concrete

                  development.                                                                                        Structure  subjected  to  lateral  loads.”  under

               2. Training  individuals  to  become  competent                                                        the guidance of Dr. Md. Zameeruddin

                  planners,  designers,  and  constructors  of  the                                             Paper Published by Faculty:

                  future built environment.                                                                        1. Dr.  A.  K.  Hashmi,  “Performance  Based

               3. Offering a learning environment that promotes                                                       Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Building at

                  lifelong  learning,  research,  and  innovation  for                                                Vertical              Geometric                  Regularity                Limits.”

                  civil  engineering  solutions  benefiting  society                                                  Innovation  Infrastructure  Solutions,  2023)

                  and industry.                                                                                       8:311, pp 1-16

              4.  Cultivating  professional  and  entrepreneurial                                                  2. Ms.  M.  P.  Kulkarni,  “Water  Supply  in

                  skills,           stakeholder                   collaborations,                     and             Marathwada  Region:  An  overview.”  ISSN:

                  independent                    thinking             to        address              civil            2248-9622, Vol. 13, Issue 5, May 2023, pp. 180-

                  engineering                  challenges                while           protecting                   189, IJERA

                  human values.
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