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                                                                         About Department:

                                                                         Department  of  Electronics  &  Telecommunication  Engineering  at  MGM’s

                                                                         College of Engineering, Nanded was established in 1988 with UG intake of

                                                                         60.  We  aim  to  provide  top-notch  education  offering  an  exceptional

                                                                         learning experience to our students. Our well-equipped laboratories and

                                                                         ICT- enabled classrooms promote an environment favorable to effective

                                                                         teaching  and  learning.  Our  highly  qualified  and  experienced  faculty  is

                                                                         deeply  committed  to  the  holistic  development  of  our  students.  They

                                                                         continuously upgrade their skills to keep abreast of the rapidly evolving

                                                                         technological landscape. To further enhance the skills of our students, we

            Dr.Kalpana P. Paithane (Jondhale)                            organize  regular  training  programs  in  software  &  hardware,  workshops,

                           Head Of the Dept.                             seminars, industrial visits, e-conferences, and international conferences.

            We  endeavor  to  expand  beyond  traditional                                                         STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS:

            academics by providing our students with a diverse                                                    1.Nagesh Kharat got selected as Founder and Lead

            range  of  value-added  courses.  Our  department                                                     for  Google  developer  Student  Clubs-MGMCOE,

            hosts  a  student  chapter  of  the  Indian  Society  for                                             Nanded

            Technical Education (ISTE). Additionally, we have a                                                   2.Maharashtra State Innovation Challenge District

            vibrant  Student  Club  known  as  the  Electronics                                                   Level Winner

            Technocrats  Association  (ETA).  The  activities                                                     Team 1: Varad Jinturkar and Shivam Lukalwar

            organized by ETA are geared towards improving the                                                     Innovation  proposed:  AI-  Powered  Personalized

            professional                skills,        leadership              abilities,          and            Learning Assiatant

            managerial qualities of our students.                                                                 The  team  received  Certificate  and  Cheque  of  Rs.

            Alumni of ECT Department are working in reputed                                                       One  lac  at  the  hands  of  Mr.  Abhijit  Raut,  District

            organizations and MNCs like Hindustan Aeronautics                                                     Collector,  Nanded  and  Mr.  Shrikrushna  Kokate,

            Ltd, Reliance Jio, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd., Tata                                                    Superintendent  of  Police,  Nanded  on  26th  Jan

            Technologies, Intel, Advance Risk Machines, Wipro,                                                    2024. was given to the teams in the program held

            Cognizant                Technology                 Services              etc.          The           on Police Parade ground.

            accomplishments  of  our  alumni,  who  hold

            prestigious  positions  in  renowned  organizations

            both in India and abroad, stand as a testament to

            the  quality  of  education  imparted  in  our



            1)Dr.  Kalpana  P.  Paithane  Honored  by  National

            Women’s  Research  Excellence  Award-  2024  at                                                       DEPARTMENTAL STUDENT CLUB:

            New  Maharashtra  Sadan  New  Delhi  on  10th                                                         1. Electronics Technocrates Association (ETA)

            March 2024                                                                                            Beyond  classroom,  laboratory  and  academic

            2)Ms.  Amrapali  Salve  Honored  by  National                                                         experience,                 our         student             club          Electronics

            Women’s Teachers Excellence Award- 2024 at New                                                        Technocrats  Association  (ETA)  is  a  platform  for

            Maharashtra Sadan New Delhi on 10th March 2024                                                        holistic           development                   of       a       students             with

            3)Ms. Mangal R. Banwaskar was awarded Ph. D. in                                                       opportunities  to  explore  interests,  groom  hidden

            Computer Science and Engineering in Dec 2023.                                                         talents,  meet  and  network  with  other  students,

            Thesis  Title:  Design  of  Efficient  Systems  for                                                   interact  with  experts  and  to  grow  technically,

            Content Based Image and Video Classification and                                                      professionally and personally.

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