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3. Mr. A. A. Bhore, “Analysis and Evaluation                                                      Students Achievements:

                   of  Mass  Transportation  System:  A  Case                                                       1. Won first prize in football in ‘Zenith 2024’ at

                   Study  of  Nanded  City,  Maharashtra.”                                                             SGGS Nanded

                   ISSN:                2319-7064                        SJIF                (2023):                2. Won  First  prize  in  football  in  zonal  level

                   7.942Volume 12 Issue, IJSR                                                                          competition                  at       solapur             under            DBATU

              4. Ms.  S.  V.  Kannawar,  “Impact  of  seasonal                                                     3.  University Sport Events 2024.
                                                                                                                       Won  first  prize  in  Town  Planning  event  in
                   Water Logging Problems and its effect in                                                            ‘Praggya 2024’at SGGS Nanded

                   urban area: A Case Study of Nanded City,                                                        4.  Won first prize in CAD WAR event in ‘Praggya

                   Maharashtra.” May 2023 | IJIRT | Volume                                                             2024’ at SGGS Nanded

                   9 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002, IJIRT                                                          Civil  Engineering  Students  Association

            Trainings completed by Faculty:                                                                     (CESA) and IEI Student Chapter Activities:

               1.  “Rationales  of  continuous  mode  of  water                                                     1. Quiz          Competition,                  Poster            Presentation,

                   supply  and  intermittent  water  supply”  Ms.S.                                                    Rangoli               Competition,                     Tower               Making

                   V. Kannawar & Ms. M. P. Kulkarni                                                                    Competition  on  Engineers  Day  Celebration

               2.  “Faculty              development                      Programme                    on              during Engineer's Day Celebration on 15 Sept.

                   Research writing and Publication” by Mr. G. S.                                                      2023.

                   Deshmukh,  Mr.  A.  A.  Bhore,  Ms.  V.  I.  Kadam,                                              2. Construction  Site  Visit  for  Shear  Wall

                   Ms. M. A. Deshmukh, Ms. S. V. Kannawar and                                                          Reinforcement details, at Kamtha, Nanded on

                   Ms. M. P. Kulkarni                                                                                  1st December 2023

                                                                                                                   3.  Construction Site Visit for Post Tension Slab

                                                                                                                       Construction at Anand Nagar, Nanded

            Industry Supported Labs in the year 2023-24

                 Sr. No             Name of Lab                                            Details                                                              Purpose

                                                                       The  sponsored  by  Metarolls                                      The  lab  Will  be  useful  for  Second

                                                                       Ispat Pvt Ltd                                                      Year  &  Third  Year  civil  engineering

                                  Structural                           The  lab  has  9  major  lab                                       students
                                  Engineering lab                      equipment's                                                        It  will  enhance  the  understanding

                                                                       The  total  cost  of  lab  is  4.6                                 of  students  in  the  field  structural

                                                                       lakhs                                                              mechanics

            Training and Placement :

                                                                                                                                                                        Total Number of
                              Years                                                          Name of Companies

             Academic Year 2023-24                                                  Fidesto Projects Pvt Ltd pune                                                                      10

                    Road SafetyAwareness                                            Campus Cleaning Program                                                       Tree Plantation

   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80