Page 21 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 21

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                In an incredibly fast-paced global community, pausing all economic, social and environmental activities
                could have dangerous repercussions. It has made individuals to adapt to this dystopian reality that has
                forced us all to make very difficult decisions but has also enkindled new opportunities. Such times have
                provided individuals time to sufficiently improve themselves in any regard. So how has the COVID 19
                pandemic affected me personally?

                Asides  from  the  immediate  COVID-19  impacts  like  better  hygiene,  social  distancing  and  use  of
                personal protective equipment, the COVID 19 pandemic has had its greatest impact on me through the
                lockdown regulations installed by the government. These regulations, although being a secondary effect
                of the pandemic has affected me the most. It has my normal routine and forced me to adapt to working
                from home.

                My  typical  daily  schedule  has  been greatly  affected  by  the  outbreak.  Typically,  the  start  of  the day
                leaves  me  drained  of  sleep  after  a  work-filled  night  with  very  little  rest.  The  lockdown  period  has
                provided me with ample hours of sleep, keeping me alert and awake throughout the day. Waking up
                well-rested  gives  me  the  energy  to  exercise,  which  immensely  aids  my  physical  health  which  had
                greatly depreciated during the pandemic.

                I would then usually prepare for school hurriedly - which I do not need to do anymore. I now have less
                eventful  but  peaceful  mornings  which  include  rich,  healthy  breakfasts  and  a  few  minutes  of  silence
                before I commence my online classes. Such peaceful moments have significantly helped to improve my
                mental health and reduce my stress levels – extremely advantageous during the turbulent times of this

                School, as an essential part of my life, has adapted to fit such unlikely circumstances through a well-
                developed online learning programme. We are able to communicate with our teachers through video
                conferences  that  provide  the  necessary  interaction,  though  digital,  for  learning.  This  is  opposed  to
                regular physical classes in which teachers could have direct communication with students and have a
                complete  classroom  immersion.  However,  it  has  reduced  the  distractions  I  would  usually  encounter
                during a class - side talks and passing eye-catchers - which keeps me more focused on learning and
                allows classes run smoother and more efficiently.

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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