Page 26 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 26

               P A G E   2 6                   T                                                    th
                                                 Mrs A had thought it wise to set up a recycle committee with volunteers from all
                                                       he Regent School courtesy of The Regent Recyclers handed over some
                                                       recycle materials to Chanja Datti on Saturday 16  of May, 2020. These
                                                       items – used paper and plastics have been collected over a period of 3
                                                       months (January – March 2020) since resumption in January.

                                               three schools – The Regent Primary, Regent Secondary and Regent college. She
                                               further supported this cause by providing Recycle bins for both paper and plastic to
                                               be kept at strategic locations in all three schools.

                                               This  initiative aimed  at  promoting  a  sense  of  responsibility  for the  environment
                                               amongst students and staff of The Regent community. This aim is to be achieved
                                               via the following objectives.

                •    Set up a committee that will promote awareness through articles, pictures, presentations and such
                •    Have Recycling as an After School Activity
                •    Encourage students to properly dispose of their waste, especially paper and plastic y making use of the recycle
                •    Partner with a recycling firm that collects the materials
                •    Encourage students to get creative with recycled materials.

                The committee partnered with Chanja Datti- a recycling firm on a “Bottle for Book” initiative where for every 500Kg
                of recycled materials collected, would send a child back to school.

                We do encourage parents to get their children involved in recycling even during this pandemic in some of the follow-
                ing ways.
                           1.   Getting creative with recycled materials such as making dresses out of old newspapers, magazines
                                and nylons, wastebaskets with bottles caps, bird feeder from empty cans etc.
                           2.   Help to sort waste into paper, plastic and others.
                           3.   Research and artwork to create more awareness.

                On a final note, the aim of recycling is not to just use up resources and attempt to manage the waste but to REDUCE,
                REUSE and then RECYCLE.

                Stay safe.
                Grace Fasasi (Maths Teacher reporting for The Regent Recyclers)

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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