Page 5 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
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leave a student at a disadvantage and this, unfortunately, is still the case with our online learning. As stated
above, we have constantly refined our practice and taken on the feedback we have been given by both the
students and the parents alike. Students away from learning miss crucial concepts and the opportunity to
learn and ask questions in real-time from their teacher. I, therefore, urge you to support us in ensuring your
child is present at all times for online learning.
With this mass of new information, there must also come a period of calm and reflection. It is essential for all
to ensure that we do find a small amount of time each day where we can be quiet and without distraction.
This week provides a perfect opportunity for our community to rest and enjoy the other parts of our lives that
often become neglected during busy periods in our lives. Try, therefore, to find that time for you to talk and
listen to each other without the additional stress that life sometimes throws at us. With this week's break from
online learning please do try and spend time as a family talking openly and sincerely about the situation we
find ourselves in.
I think the benefits that will be gained from spending time as a family and through these conversations will
be crucial moving forward, as when we do come out of this pandemic, we will be better equipped in so many
ways to face the world.
In the light of the letter sent to you by the Board last week, I humbly request that all outstanding fees are
settled before the Study-Free Week elapses. The Bursar and his team have sent you the updated invoices and
credit notes following the Board’s decision to offer a discount during these uncertain times.
I firmly believe that during this continued time and our uncertain future, we are offering the best possible
education we can, that surpasses the vast majority of other schools I am aware of through my research and
talking with colleagues elsewhere. The COVID-19 is unprecedented, no one has the answers to when schools
will open and how schools will open. As a school and as parents, we need to do the best for our children's
education in this situation. At Regent, and as seen in the best schools in the UK and across the world, we
have put in place the best education for our students, this is what we are offering your children currently, so
please let us continue to learn and grow together during these difficult times.
Thank you again for your continued support, the efforts you go through to ensure your child(ren), attend
online learning is an absolute credit to you and our community.
Stay safe.
Kindest regards,
Mr. D. Andrew Williams
Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness