Page 7 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 7

P A G E   7

                 We have no doubt that students enjoy this form of education and find the use of technology very
                 easy in learning new concepts and ideas.

                 With all going on, we have not forgotten our corporate responsibility as we recently donated all
                 our beds and mattresses with leather protection and to the COVID 19 Isolation Centre in Abuja.

                 Our Student Council has continued their plans to provide boreholes for less privileged areas in
                 Abuja.  Our  Service  Learning  projects  for  all  students  have  been  on  going  every  Thursday

                 morning. They are at the planning stages and projects will be implemented once school resumes.

                 With  all  adversity  in  the  face  of  hopelessness,  sometimes,  we  meet  with  cynicism  and  the

                 thought of failure. At such times at The Regent School, we come together and do what we do
                 best; teamwork in achieving excellence. This period has stretched us but we have learnt from it

                 and made huge advancements in the area of Information and Technology. We are bold to say

                 that we have come out of the situation stronger and better and we will keep aspiring to improve.
                 During a staff meeting with the Board on last Friday, we could hear the excitement in the voices

                 of so many staff members as they expressed gratitude on what they have learnt and achieved
                 since the Online Learning Programme started.

                 During our online study break, we will review the Online Learning Programme and consult with

                 our school community on how we can make it better. We ask you to please fill our surveys and

                 make your own contribution.

                 We thank our Board who have ensured the welfare of our staff members have remained intact

                 and made certain that we have not lacked in facilities for the Online Learning Programme.  We
                 thank our staff members for the many sacrifices they have made. Some of them have worked

                 from their cars and remote areas to deliver lessons. To our parents, thank you for the continued
                 support in ensuring we give our students the best quality of education and your constant words

                 of encouragement and advice.

                 We  miss  our  students  and  desperately  look  forward  to  their  physical  return  to  school  in  the

                 nearest future.

                 Stay safe.

                 Mr. Olusegun David Akinola
                 Deputy Principal

                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness
            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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