Page 5 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 33
P. 5

                P A G E   5

                             EGENT STILL SPELLS EXCELLENCE:
                Even with examinations in sight, Regent students are still showcasing premium work!

                From  Year  7  to  Year  10…visual  representations  of  various  types of  class  and  homework,
                After School Activities (ASAs), displays from the MFL Faculty of French and Spanish to
                mark  their  Language  Week,  articles  on  health,  the  environment  or  just  simply  ‘Giving
                Instructions’...the Regent students (and staff) produce excellence!

                You might scratch your head in wonder; you might be asking yourself, ‘how do they do it’?

                It’s quite simple.

                Check  out  one  of  the  three  Rs:  Resourcefulness,  and  look  up  its  synonyms  –  Ingenuity,
                Imagination, Inventiveness, Originality…the list goes on…

                Suffice it to say then, that when you are Resourceful, you are indeed excellent; not perfect,
                not without flaws, just first-rate and worthy of emulation!

                Happy Reading!

                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness
                                       R e s p e c t   R e s p o n s i b i l i t y   R e s o u r c e f u l n e s s
            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 33
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