Page 6 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 33
P. 6

                P A G E   6
                              ood afternoon parents,

                Another wonderful week of learning has taken place with both students and teachers preparing for the
                assessments which begin soon. I hope that your child has been preparing well at home and will be fully

                ready for the assessments ahead. The assessments will be held online and attached to this email are a
                copy of the assessment protocols which as I mentioned last week. I would be grateful if you could read

                it with your child in advance of the assessments beginning. Please, also check that your child has a
                copy of their assessment schedule and that you are both aware of the logistics involved for each day.

                I  must  say  the  support  we  have  been  receiving  from  both  the  students  and  the  parents  has  been
                overwhelming  and  the  numbers  who  have  consistently attended  online  learning  has  been  very

                impressive indeed. A huge ‘thank you’ therefore must go to you, the parents, in these very concerning
                times for the continuous support of your child's learning, for which no price can be placed on it. The

                time and energy needed to keep your child engaged and motivated in their home-learning is incredible,
                as I am also finding out with my own children at home too - so thank you sincerely for making this

                happen! The provision we are running is testament to our Board, staff and students. The more I speak
                with  friends  and  former  colleagues,  the  more  impressed  and  the  prouder  I  am,  of  what  we  have

                achieved  over  the  past  10  weeks.  Thank  you  to  all  whoe  have  worked  so  hard  and  supported  in
                whatever way they have.

                When we first communicated our plan to you for online learning, I shared a booklet with you that had

                all kinds of suggestions and ideas for you and your family to engage in numerous activities that would
                keep both your physical and mental health in good shape too. Can I just take the opportunity, therefore,

                to remind you of the booklet and encourage you to try and participate where possible in some of the
                activities? Can I also ask for your support in ensuring your children are sleeping well and they are well

                hydrated during the learning taking place, to ensure optimal learning can be achieved, especially during
                the upcoming assessments. Please allow them additional time to study and that they are well-prepared

                for each of the upcoming assessments.

                I  am  fully  aware  of  the  tough  times  all  are  facing  currently  but  I  would  just  like  to  reiterate  our
                gratitude to you all and we all look forward to seeing these uncertain times end soon.

                Kind regards,

                Mr D. Andrew Williams
                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness
            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 33
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