Page 23 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 23

               P A G E   2 3
                                                             THE TYRANT

                 Wish I could turn back time, to the good old days If
                 only we’d taken this seriously.

                 It was the morning of graduation and I had just made
                 my bed and laid my crisp graduation gown on it, fresh
                 from the laundry mind you!  One can never go wrong
                 with  a  lavender  fairy  detergent-scented  gown  with  a
                 hint  of  sandalwood!  And  today,  I  need  perfection.  I
                 had planned this day to the  ‘t’ and nothing was sup-
                 posed to go wrong!

                 I had just arrived at school. I had gotten there so early,
                 it was so early I even had time to watch the news. We
                 had forced change of government in R, the new head
                 of  state  was  called  Covid.  Everyone  was  dissatisfied
                 with the old government so we didn’t make a big deal
                 of our new leader and weren’t worried.

                 I wish we were; the new leader made changes and we
                 thought  it  was  for  the  better  but  it  wasn’t  and  we
                 couldn’t take it any longer but it was too late, he had
                 already  corrupted  our  people  and  executed  them  and
                 dominated the world and we’ve been in hiding to pro-
                 tect ourselves ever since from Covid and his it’s sol-

                 That tyrant of C…

                 -By Khalidah Usman (Year 9 Benue)

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            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 31
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