Page 2 - Newsletter Spring 2023
P. 2

Whidbey was recognized as the indi-     In 1811, the Admiralty gave the go
        vidual who made sure tasks were com-  ahead to build the Breakwater and Jo-
        pleted no matter the obstacles. It was   seph Whidbey was appointed super-
        apparent that Whidbey was responsible   intendent of the project, which was so
        for much of the success of Vancouver’s   large, it was deemed a National Un-
        expedition. Peter Puget also assisted in   dertaking.
        finishing Vancouver’s three-volume A    Whidbey had a home built for him a
        Voyage of Discovery to the North Pa-  Bovisand Bay on the east side of Plym-
        cific Ocean and Round the World, pub-  outh Sound. There he could oversee the
        lished in 1798.                       project.  The  first  stone  was  dropped
          With my journey back in time, I had   into place August 8th, 1812. By March
        to ask the question: “After the voyage,   of 1813 the stones appeared above the
        what footprint did Joseph Whidbey     low tide line.
        leave in Great Britain? “               Line battleships  were  utilizing  the
          He was appointed Master Attendant   protection of the breakwater by 1814.
        at  the Sheerness  Shipyard,  a posi-  John Rennie died in 1821, and his son
        tion he had long sought. While there,   took over his father’s role. As the years
        Whidbey devised a totally unique and   progressed,  work  on  the breakwater
        successful means to raise a ship from   continued  with  several  modifications.
        the bottom. His method was presented   After more than 200 years the breakwa-
        to the Royal Society in 1803 and Whid-  ter Whidbey and John Rennie designed
        bey was admitted to the Society.  He   and built still provides a safe haven for
        was now intermingling with the finest   ships entering the harbor at Plymouth.
        minds in Great Britain.               In 1830, Whidbey retired at age 75 and
          Whidbey became acquainted with      moved inland to Taunton, England to
        John Rennie, the leading civil engineer   spend the last three years of his life.
        and architect of the early nineteenth   In 2003, I made the trip to Plymouth   the building of the breakwater, in-
        century in England. Rennie was a      to find out more about the Breakwater   cluding many letters written by Whid-
        tireless worker coming from an aristo-  and Joseph Whidbey. There I was able   bey. Highlights of the trip included a
        cratic family.  He surrounded himself   to read John Rennie, Jr.’s “Historical,   tour of Whidbey’s home at Bovisand
        with people who had knowledge and     Practical, and Theoretical of Account   Bay  which  looks  directly  out  to  the
        worked as hard as he did. Whidbey had   of the Breakwater of Breakwater in   Breakwater. Lastly, there was a stop at
        knowledge of the sea, harbors, survey-  Plymouth Sound,” published in 1845.    Taunton, England to view his grave.
        ing, and ships. The two were about to   The document contains details of     Joseph Whidbey’s professional life is
        embark on a project that would take 53                                      well documented. He was a consum-
        years to complete. This would become                                        mate workaholic. However, his early
        a lifelong friendship and collaboration.                                    life is unknown. His family life re-
          Plymouth  Sound,  being  exposed  to                                      mains a mystery. Where was he born?
        storms from the Atlantic Ocean, took its                                    Who were his parents? Where did he
        toll on ships. In 1806, the British Admi-                                   receive his education?
        ralty commissioned Rennie and Whid-                                          Receiving Joseph Whidbey’s will has
        bey to survey the Sound at Plymouth.                                        provided insight to the people he was
          Could a breakwater be built to pro-                                       close to. The next steps include making
        vide safe anchorage at Plymouth? The                                        a digital copy available online, printing
        project was so large that it was com-                                       a  copy  to  examine  and/or  displaying
        pared to the building of the pyramids                                       the original will.
        in Egypt. It involved building an is-                                        There will also be a future  Now &
        land half a mile in length across Plym-                                     Then community presentation of Jo-
        outh Sound with no power machinery.                                         seph Whidbey’s life, his personality,
        Many scoffed and laughed and said it                                        and the interaction between the differ-
        could not be done. Rennie and Whid-                                         ent individuals in his life.
        bey  expressed  both  amusement  and
        frustration of the campaign to under-  The grave of Joseph Whidbey in Taunton,
        mine their very exacting plan.        England.
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