Page 3 - Newsletter Spring 2023
P. 3

More about Vancouver’s expedition...

        In command of the HMS Discovery,
       (a 10-gun sloop-of-war), and its tender,
       the  HMS Chatham, (a 4-gun survey
       brig), Captain George  Vancouver de-
       parted England in April 1791.
        The  34-year-old Captain’s mission
       was to explore, chart and expand Brit-
       ain’s claims in the Pacific, including the
        After first traveling to South Africa,
       Australia,  New  Zealand,  Tahiti,  and
       Hawaii, his crew surveyed the  coasts   Members of Vancouver’s Discovery expedition surveyed what would be named Port Town-
       of present-day Oregon and Washington   shend. The indigenous poles were strung with nets on which to catch ducks.
       and  northward  to  present  day  Canada
       and Alaska.                           Salish Sea or “whulge” (meaning salt   tween Whidbey  and Mukilteo north
                                             water) as the Coast Salish called it.  to  Everett)  and  Possession Point
                                               Vancouver entered the Strait of Juan   at the southeastern part of Whidbey
                                             de Fuca, April 29, 1792. His crew sur-  Island,  were so named when  Van-
                                             veyed the area, including the waters   couver declared the entire area to be
                                             around Whidbey Island, in longboats.  a possession of King George for the
                                               Although areas already had indigenous   King’s birthday.
                                             names,  these  explorers  named  moun-  Puget’s Sound was named for Dis-
                                             tains, harbors, islands, and passages in   covery’s 2nd Lieutenant Peter Puget,
                                             their own language. Capt.  Vancouver   who explored its southern reaches.
                                             was ordered to label as many places with   Port Townshend (the ‘h’ was later
                                             British names as possible to strengthen   dropped) was named for Vancouver’s
       Painting by Steve Mayo of the HMS Discov-  British sovereignty.             friend, the Marquis of Townshend..
       ery & Chatham becalmed in Rosario Strait   Indigenous people  had lived  in the   Mount Baker was named after Dis-
                                             area for more than 12,000 years. Their   covery’s 3rd Lieutenant Joseph Baker,
        Vancouver was not the first to explore   descendants formed various Coast Sal-  the first on the expedition to spot it
       the region. Spain had sent several expe-  ish  tribes  who  spoke  Lushootseed,  a   Port Gardner and  Port Susan,
       ditions, which is why some places car-  common  language  with  different  dia-  were named after former commander
       ry Spanish names, including the Strait   lects, though without written language.   Vice Admiral Sir Alan Gardner and his
       of Juan deFuca (after a Greek naviga-   Tscha-kole-chy was the Salishan name   wife Susannah, Lady Gardner.
       tor who sailed on a Spanish ship and   given to the island considered to be a ‘par-  At age 37,  Vancouver returned to
       claimed to have discovered the Straits   adise’ by the local tribes: primarily the   an England at war with France. The
       in 1592).                             Swinomish (far north), Skagit (north and   importance  of  the  expedition  to  the
        On  April 11, 1792  Vancouver en-    central) and Snohomish (south).       Americas took a back seat to the war.
       countered  American  explorer  Captain   Capt. Vancouver named the island af-  Vancouver was in ill health from
       Robert Gray, off the coast of Oregon.   ter his Sailing Master, Joseph Whidbey,   the voyage. His death at age 40 large-
       A month later Gray entered the estuary   and it was written on his map as “Whid-  ly went unnoticed by the empire he
       of the Columbia River. (Gray had been   bey’s Island.” It underwent several der-  had served for so many years at sea.
       unable to enter the river, which he had   ivations in print over the decades such   The HMS Discovery later served as
       named Columbia, on an earlier  voyage   as  “Whitby’s Is-                               a ‘bomb vessel’ capable
       he had made to the northwest in 1788.)   land”  and “Whid-                              of  firing  mortars  in  the
       Decades later Gray’s exploration would   by Island” until  it                           Battle  of  Copenhagen,
       prove pivotal in settling where the U.S.   finally  came  into                          then  became  a hospital
       – Canadian border would be located.   common use as                                     ship,  and  lastly  served
        Captain James Cook and British pri-  “Whidbey  Island”                                 as a convict ship or pris-
       vateer Sir Francis Drake had also sailed   in the early 1950s.                          on hulk (left). She was
       off the Oregon and Washington coasts.   Possession                                      broken  up  in  1834  in
       but it was Vancouver who charted the   Sound (located be-                               Deptford, England.
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