Page 8 - Newsletter Spring 2023
P. 8

Settler family establishes first south Whidbey school and post office
         Michael and Mary Lyons settle at what is now Maxwelton

          Long before the Mackie brothers     ‘Nellie,’ and a second daughter, Mary,   order against  the  Island County  sher-
         bought land in 1905 that they would   in 1859. Like many others, they headed   iff in order not to be served with lien
         name Maxwelton...  before a wharf was   west: far west to Washington Territory.  papers on their exempt homestead, that
         built  in 1908  and a store  was  run by   By  1860,  they  had  arrived  at  Port   they had, in fact, not yet homesteaded.
         James Montgomery... before the Chau-  Ludlow (whether  by wagon train  or    Then, in April 1875 tragedy struck.
         tauquas that were held there in 1910...  ship is not known).  For several years   At age 35, Ellen died. The day before,
         there was the first settler family in the   Michael worked as an engineer at the   she made her mark on a will that left
         area: Michael and Mary Lyons.        Port Ludlow Mill. In the mid 1860s he   her property and possessions to her
          Michael Lyons, along with neighbor   built the Lyons Hotel in Port Ludlow   husband, including 551 acres on South
         Robert Bailey, established south Whid-  and ran a thriving business, with assets   Whidbey, 360 acres in Jefferson Coun-
         bey’s first school district in 1883 and set   of $5,000 (worth $115,000 today).   ty, and 120 acres in Kitsap County.
         up a school in a log cabin at the back   Ellen bought several tracts of land   In 1876 or 1877 Michael married Mary
         of the Lyons home located just west of   on south Whidbey beginning in 1870   Mullen, and with the younger children
         the bluff, likely near where the dock was   from  logger  Luther  L.  Moore.  (See   moved to south Whidbey, establishing a
         later built in 1908.                 side article on the next page.)       farm and a logging operation there.
          Michael became the area’s first post-  The Port Ludlow census of that year   Mary subsequently gave birth to four
         master in 1884, as well as a Justice of   lists several boarders with the Lyons   children on south Whidbey.
         the Peace.                           family, including a 21-year-old school-  The following is a quote from the Is-
          Life on south Whidbey was a world   teacher named Mary Mullen (McMul-     land County School record book Feb.
         away from his immigrant beginnings.  len on some census records), who was   5, 1883 – “I have this day granted the
          Michael Joseph Lyons (born in Coun-  from Connecticut. By then Ellen had   petition of M.J. Lyons and 9 others for
         ty  Cork  Ireland  in  1833)  and  his  first   given birth to a son, Michael “Frank”   a  new  school  district  at  Skagit  Head
         wife Ellen Deneen (born 1840) survived   and a third daughter, Annie.      bounded as follows: all of Whidby Is-
         the Irish potato famine as children, then   The  Lyons Hotel  burned down in   land south of the line between TWP 29
         sailed to the United States in the mid   November 1871, but was rebuilt.   and 30N or from Sandy Point to Bush
         1850s, landing at Boston, MA.          In 1872, Ellen gave birth to a second   Point #8″ – J. Ely, Supt. of Schools.
          There they met and married and in   son, Charles, then a daughter, Eliza-   On May 31, 1883 M. J. Lyons and
         1857, 17-year-old Ellen  Lyons gave   beth “Maud” in 1873.                 Cultus Bay neighbor Robert S. Bailey
         birth to a daughter, Ellen, nicknamed   In 1874, Ellen gave  birth  to twin   were appointed school directors.
                                                       girls, Pauline and Josephine.   A series of articles  by Cora Cook
                                                       That  was the  year  that  the   was published in the 1951 Whidbey Re-
                                                       Lyons sold  the hotel  to  Mi-  cord, including her account of this first
                                                       chael’s business partner and   school on South Whidbey.
                                                       the family moved to Victoria   “On Nov. 6, 1883 school opened in
                                                       on Vancouver Island.         an old log house that stood in back of
                                                         The older Lyons girls had   the Lyons house near the west side of
                                                       been  attending  St.  Ann’s   the bluff. As far as can be determined
                                                       Convent School there, and    the  Lyons house was in  the area we
           Maxwelton                                   three of the younger daugh-  now call Maxwelton.
                                                       ters (including the twin girls)   “The Lyons children and two Bailey
                                                       would later attend the school   children attended that first school. One
                                                       and become nuns.             of the Bailey children was Laura who
                                                         Schoolteacher Mary Mul-    later became Laura Jewett.”
                                                       len moved to Victoria with the   According to Cook’s article,  Miss
                                                       Lyons family, likely to help   Hannah  Condon  was  the  first  teacher
         Per the 1875 will of Ellen Lyons, the gray areas of   Ellen with her 9 children.  of the school, however another account
         property, comprising 551 acres on South Whidbey,   That year, Luther and Fran-  has a Mr. Clark as the first teacher. This
         were left to her husband, Michael, who added to   ces Moore brought a civil suit   log cabin  was likely  a  loggers cabin
         the acreage over the years that he and his second   against the Lyons, and the   that was perhaps first used by Luther
         wife, Mary, lived on Whidbey. They sold 800 acres
         to a Seattle realtor in 1890 and moved to Seattle.  Lyons sought a restraining   Moore.
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