Page 10 - Newsletter Spring 2023
P. 10

Lyons, continued                      Luther Moore, continued               remains, most of which were collected
                                                Advertisements touted that the natural   by the Fauntleroy and sent to Washing-
                                                                                    ton.  Among these remains were found
                                              remedy that would purify the blood and   wedges made from the rib bones, sim-
                                              cure everything from asthma to venereal   ilar to the bone wedges made by mod-
                                              disease--including conditions in              ern Indians from elk and deer
                                              between such as ague, alcoholism,             horns for  splitting the  soft
                                              asthma, bowel problems, con-                  cedar wood into stakes and
                                              sumption, constipation, dyspepsia,            planks with which to construct
                                              scrofula, rheumatism, and ‘wom-               their dwellings.
                                              en’s troubles.’                                 Mr.  Luther  Moore,  discov-
                                                In 1888, an Oregon medical                  erer  of  Moore’s  Revealed
                                              doctor, William Lysander Adams,               Remedy, had a logging camp
                                              wrote a book about the history of             on Whidbey Island, near this
                                              medicine, and devoted an entire               place, and he has informed me
                                              chapter  to  debunking  and  mer-             that he saw and handled some
                                              cilessly making fun of “Moore’s               of the bone wedges I mention.
                                              Revealed Remedy” and its spirit               This shows that Indians ex-
                                              origins.                              isted here at the time these elephants
                                                Despite this, the remedy sold very   lived,and these evidences of palaeolith-
                                              well, though its advertising budget ulti-  ic man are not confined to Puget Sound,
                                              mately put the company into arrears and   but are found all over the continent.”
                                              in danger of bankruptcy.
                                                Moore lost control of the company
                                              and it was sold in 1889 for $650 to Van
        was unable to identify the two men.   Waters, who brokered a deal with the
          Swan Berg, a carpenter who worked   wholesaler to form a new manufactur-
        for Lyons, was arrested and stood trial,   ing company of Stewart-Holmes Man-
        but was later acquitted.              ufacturing Company for the purpose
          Newspapers  speculated  that  Lyons   of producing Moore’s Revealed Rem-
        may  have  been  killed  to  prevent  him   edy. It was incorporated in 1890 with
        from testifying against a neighbor who   $150,000 in capital stock.
        had shot his wife, and then attempted   Van Waters soon lost interest in the
        suicide. The man suspected his wife of   new  venture  and  returned  to  working
        having an affair with Lyons. However,   for the railroad. The Remedy evidently
        a kill for hire was unlikely as the man   did not work for him as he died of heart
        had already admitted his guilt.       failure in 1921 in a Seattle hotel room
          Oldest daughter Nellie Lyons How-   at age 60 and was buried in a pauper’s
        ard,  petitioned  to  be  administrator  of   grave at the county poor farm.
        her father’s estate, but was soon chal-  And what became of Luther Moore?
        lenged by her siblings, including An-  According to his 1905 obituary, after
        nie, who  needed money and the Ly-    losing his company, “he drifted from
        on’s  house to raise her three younger   bad to worse until he was penniless.”
        half-siblings.  Annie received  money   Though he died in Seattle, his body was
        and exempted home as requested.       taken to Port Townsend and buried next
          In probate court it was revealed that   to his wife in Laurel Grove Cemetery.
        little was left of Michael Lyon’s estate   Luther Moore was also cited in a
        and that the home in Seattle was in   March 30, 1891  Seattle Post-Intelli-
        need of major repairs to be brought up   gencer article about the discovery of
        to code.                              mammoth fossils at Skagit  Head. The
          The  Lyons family, like  Luther     article cites a discovery in the late
        Moore’s family, had  for  a  time  accu-  1860’s by Captain Charles Willoughby,
        mulated  a comfortable  income in the   who was surveying in the vicinity.
        booming  Pacific  Northwest,  but  ulti-  “A  portion  of  the  bluff  had  fallen
        mately lost or depleted it.           down, disclosing the elephant fossil

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