Page 9 - Newsletter Spring 2023
P. 9

It also served as the area post office   Luther L. Moore and his Revealed Remedy
      from 1884 to 1891.  After the Lyons
      moved,  the  post  office  was  relocated
      to John Parson’s farmhouse, and then    Luther Moore, a logger born in        She told him about this natural remedy
      back  to  the  beach  when  the  Mack-  1828 in  Maine, was one of the earli-  made from spring water and three ingre-
      ies built the wharf in 1908 and James   est landowners on south Whidbey. He   dients found  in the  forest, presumably
      Montgomery built a store and post of-  purchased tracts of land totaling 800   roots and bark. Moore said that he was
      fice at the entrance to the dock..    acres for $1.25 an acre in 1862 from the   given the recipe and directions through
                                            Washington Territory University Board   auto-suggestive writing.
                                            of Commissioners.                       The concoction took four months
                                              In 1864 he bought federal land from   to ‘age’ for consumption, and Moore
                                            the General Land Office with a patent   claimed that it cured him of his pain,
                                            that bears the signature of Abraham Lin-  bowel problems, and a nagging cough.
                                            coln. The tracts are for the area known   In 1886/87 Moore started a company
                                            today as Maxwelton Beach.             in Seattle, Moore Manufacturing Com-
                                              Luther married his wife, Frances, in   pany, for  the  sole  purpose of  making
                                            1867 and had a son, William, in 1868.   and selling the product which he called
                                            Moore worked in several logging       ‘Moore’s Revealed Remedy.’
                                            camps, including on south Whidbey, but
       February 28, 1884, The Argus.        his family lived in Port
                                            Townsend until 1879,
        In 1890 the Lyons sold their Island   when Frances died.
      holdings, now numbering 800 acres, to     In 1870 Moore sold
      Seattle real estate broker C. C. Calkins,   about 200 acres of land
      who later sold it to the Mackie brothers.  to Ellen Lyons, who
                                            along with her hus-
                                            band, Michael,  owned
                                            the Lyons Hotel in Port
                                              When Moore was
                                            logging at Port Ludlow
        Michael  pursued  a  new  career  as
      a grocer in Seattle, but in September   in 1864, a log rolled
      1892 his wife Mary died  of puerper-  back over him, leaving
      al convulsions following a home birth   him in chronic pain af-
      at age 43. (The infant was presumably   terwards. That is, until a
      stillborn.)                           remedy was ‘revealed’
        Afterward Michael moved to Rider-   to him by a spirit guide.
      ville near Port Blakely to manage a ho-  Spiritualism  (con-
      tel, which was really more of a saloon   tact with spirits of the
      and boarding house.                   dead) was a growing
        His three youngest children were left   movement after reports of the Fox sis-  It sold for $1.25 per bottle and was
      in his Seattle house under the care of   ters in 1848 in Hydesville, NY and their   wholesaled by the prominent drugstore
      Annie, their step-sister.             communication with spirits through    chain Stewart-Holmes Drug Company.
        In June 1897, Michael Lyons was     rappings and knocks. The girls became   Moore hired a former railroad agent,
      shot and killed in an apparent midnight   famous, and it is estimated that by the   William  Van  Waters, as his business
      holdup at his saloon, however nothing   1880s, there were 8 million people in   manager and marketer.  Van Waters pro-
      was stolen, though the safe was open   the U.S. who identified as Spiritualists.  duced circulars recounting the spiritism
      and contained hundreds of dollars and   According to Moore, he and two fel-  origins of the ‘revealed’ remedy and em-
      nine watches.                         low loggers were sitting around a table   barked on an ambitious campaign of tes-
        Several  suspects were  arrested,  but   one night in camp when to amuse them-  timonials and advertisements in many of
      later released since the main witness,   selves they tried to initiate contact with   the region’s newspapers. (See advertise-
      a sailor named “Scotty,” was seriously   the spirit world. It was then that Moore   ment on the next page.)
      drunk when the holdup occurred, and   felt contacted by the spirit of the daugh-
                   Continued on next page   ter of a doctor from Cincinnati, Ohio.             Continued on next page
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