Page 11 - SUMMER 2020 SWHS Newsletter revised (1)
P. 11

South Whidbey Historical Society

          Membership Form

           Keep our remarkable local history alive for future generations.
           Become a member or renew your annual membership.

           Please fill in the information below and mail it along with a check to:
           South Whidbey Historical Society / PO Box 612 / Langley WA 98260.
           You may also join or renew online at our website at:


           Address_______________________________ City, State, & Zip_____________________________

           Telephone________________________   Email__________________________________________

           Enclosed are my annual membership dues:
                                                                       Help us share South Whidbey history.
           r Individual ($20)       r Household ($30)
           r Business ($50)        r Lifetime ($300 or more)                Please make a donation to the
                                                                        South Whidbey Historical Society and
           My Donation:  (SWHS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit)                  remember us in your estate planning

           r Enclosed is a donation of $___________                      so that we may continue sharing our
                                                                               local history.  Thank you.

          Reopening of the South Whidbey Historical Museum

            Under Phase 3 of Covid-19 re-       The safety of everyone is the high-  teers  fall  into  high-risk  categories
           strictions, museums are allowed    est priority. The restrictions include   because  of their  age  and medical
           to open.                           the wearing of masks by everyone      conditions.
            Two of our volunteers attended    including visitors and docents, so-     After examining the process, the
           statewide webinars dealing with    cial distancing in the museum, lim-   SWHS Board decided not to re-
           reopening of historical museums.     iting the number in the museum at   open the museum at this time but
           They found that it is a complicat-  any  one  time,  regular  cleaning  of   to continue outreach via our online
           ed process.                        any  surfaces  touched  by  visitors,   endeavors.
            It will require a plan posted     and following all State guidelines.     The museum will open when it is
           within the museum with many re-      Many of these  restrictions  are    safe to do so with fewer guidelines.
           strictions in place to prevent the   confusing and may not apply to a    Many other small historical muse-
           spread of the coronavirus.         small museum. Most of our volun-      ums are doing the same.

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