Page 9 - SUMMER 2020 SWHS Newsletter revised (1)
P. 9

Challenging times call for courageous community giving...

        Funding the South Whidbey Historical Society

          As Covid-19  hit  the  planet  and  the
        earth  stopped,  our  Historical  Society                                     Parking for the Whidbey Island
        went into hibernation with our Board                                        Fair has been the Society’s larg-
        seeking to plan the future and asking                                       est fundraiser of the year. Those
        many questions.
        •   When will we be able to reopen the                                      funds are now lost because the
            museum in Langley?                                                      Fair has been canceled. To meet
        •   With social distancing, will we be                                      this shortfall, one Board member
            able to make presentations and tours?                                   has offered up to $1,500 if we can
        •   How will our funding change?                                            match those funds.
        •   Our mission is to preserve and tell
            the  history  and  stories  of South
            Whidbey Island. In this challeng-   Non-profit organizations are here to   Our expenses include  maintenance,
            ing  time,  how will  we meet  our   provide service to their communities.     insurance, and utilities for the museum
            mission and best serve  Whidbey   They operate as private entities and are   and the log cabins on the fairgrounds.
            Islanders?                        not governmental agencies.  By law,     Grant funding in the past years has
          Funding is now our top priority.    they cannot make profits for their in-  allowed  us to contract  work for our
        Parking for the  Whidbey  Island Fair   vestors. Like everyone else, non-prof-  website, historical videos, social media
        has been the Society’s largest fundrais-  its have expenses and bills to pay.    posts, community presentations, South
        er of the year. Those funds are now lost   Under the federal stimulus package   Whidbey historical bus tours, and our
        because the Fair has been canceled. To   individuals will be able to deduct up to   newsletter.
        meet  this shortfall,  one Board mem-  three  hundred dollars  of donations  in   We  have  nearly  3,000 followers
        ber has offered up to $1,500 if we can   2020 to non-profits including 501(c3)   on Facebook  and  have  increased  our
        match those funds.                    organizations even if they are now tak-  membership.  Last summer our Satur-
          Your donation now will allow us to   ing the standard deduction.  This is an   day morning Langley  History  Walks
        match  that  amount  to  help  meet  ex-  added incentive to those who no longer   sold out nearly every week.
        penses for this year.                 itemize  their  deductions  when  filing   In February of this year we displayed
          This is a start with long term funding   federal tax returns.             many items from our collection at the
        being more problematic.                 The  South  Whidbey  Historical  So-  Bayview Cash Store with a presenta-
          As a 501(c3) non-profit organization   ciety is in the category of a “cultural/  tion each Saturday. As February came
        which has been the recipient of local   educational” non-profit.            to an end, we were optimistic for 2020.
        and regional grants, we know this year   Our funding comes from member-     Then came March and the pandemic.
        may be different as many of our grant   ships, donations, book sales, fundrais-  We may not know the future, but we
        funders have also been affected by the   ers, and grants. Most of our workers   will  be  positive  in  our thinking. Yes,
        Covid-19 crisis.                      are volunteers.                       we are seeking donations. If you can
                                                                                    help us  match or exceed the parking
                                                                                    funding at this time, it will be greatly
                                                                                    appreciated  as will your membership
                                                                                      Let us not be the generation  that
                                                                                    failed to keep good stewardship of our
                                                                                    community’s history.

                                                                                    Bill Haroldson
                                                                                    SWHS Board President
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