Page 109 - Mariners Cricket Club (Singapore) - Souvenir Magazine 2020
P. 109
economies like the U.S. and China expanded
and increased demand sending oil prices
toward highs near USD $140.00 per barrel.
A side effect of these high prices, however,
was that it also made it profitable for non-
OPEC countries to develop and test new ways
of exploring and extracting oil at home. This
prompted the U.S. to develop new shale oil
extraction techniques to become profi table
producers in this high-price environment.
Growing presence of US as a dominant oil
Although the 2008 recession temporarily
halted the development of shale hydraulic Ritik Sircar is mariner with a sailing
fracturing technology in the U.S., the following experience of 15 years and is now
years saw a dramatic increase in fracking for a vessel manager with Diamond
crude oil extraction. Because the U.S. is not Anglo Ship Management, Singapore.
an OPEC member and does not have to abide
by its decisions, the country grew its domestic
supply levels, which eventually culminated in
the crash of global oil prices at the end of 2014.
Recent history of crude oil prices and Decisions to cut production to control
OPEC decisions: 2014-2019 prices
OPEC production figures post-2014 moved With the oil market becoming increasingly
opposite to West Texas Intermediate (WTI) less profitable for the cartel and other non-U.S.
price for a period of two years, attributed to producers, OPEC and newly invested parties
the organization’s decision not to cut crude oil like Russia soon began discussions to freeze
output. At the end of 2016, however, following and even cut, production levels to add greater
the decision to cut production for the fi rst time stability to oil prices.
since 2008, output decreased and has continued
that downward trajectory as cuts have been While the group initially had trouble arriving
extended to the end of 2019. at an accepted metric for these cuts, at the
end of 2016 the group reached a consensus.
Despite this glut of oil on the market as 2014 The outcome of this decision was the fi rst
ended, OPEC did not choose to cut production production cut OPEC had made since 2008 and
levels. They chose, instead, to prioritize the has since resulted in a period of prolonged cuts
preservation of its market share and continue by the organization.
producing at a rate near 30 million barrels per
day (mmbd). These cuts remained influential price drivers but
have varied in the magnitude of their impact.
Following this decision, WTI crude oil and In June 2017, less than a year after OPEC’s
wholesale diesel prices fell close to 10% and production decision, cuts were extended,
continued that downward trajectory before resulting in an increase of almost 40% by the
reaching multi-year lows in 2016. group’s meeting the following year.
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