Page 110 - Mariners Cricket Club (Singapore) - Souvenir Magazine 2020
P. 110

Responding to the price rebound                      Kazakhstan, Mexico, and perhaps most
                                                                importantly, Russia — among others.
           With this upward-trending market in mind,
           OPEC endorsed a production increase to               Historically, OPEC nations and Russia viewed
           stabilize prices during their semi-annual            each other as rivals instead of allies, with the
           meeting in June of 2018. This was later rescinded    latter as the world’s third-largest oil producer
           as the bear market of late 2018 materialized in      behind the US and Saudi Arabia. Since
           response to concerns of an oversupplied oil          December of 2018, OPEC+ members once again
           market, sending oil and diesel prices into a         control most of the world’s crude oil supply,

           downward spiral to close the year.                   combining their respective influences on the
                                                                global market to infl uence prices.
           While all of these factors initiated the transition,
           the emergence of ‘the big three’ crude oil           While this new partnership may offer additional
           producers expedited OPEC’s more reactive             leverage to OPEC+, fears of global economic
           role in the marketplace.                             slowdown amidst the US-China trade war
                                                                may continue to overshadow the upward
           In July 2019, OPEC again decided to maintain         momentum of supply cuts.
           production cuts. The market’s slower economic
           growth and its impact on global demand for           COVID-19 and the crude oil price crash
           crude oil and transportation fuels greatly
           reduced OPEC’s potential to push prices              With all of these developments in the rear-
           upward by restraining oil supply.                    view, 2020 has presented completely novel
                                                                crude oil environments that involve OPEC,
           Since their decision to implement supply cuts        its allies, and the greater economic landscape
           of over three mmbd from October 2018 levels,         which culminated in crude oil prices sinking

           OPEC’s removal only modestly increased               well below zero for the first time in history.
           prices during their most recent round of cuts.       In a series of unprecedented global events, the
           This is due in large part to US oil production       supply and demand balance swung swiftly
           growth counterbalancing OPEC’s efforts to            toward surplus. Saudi Arabia and Russia
           remove supply from the market.                       entered into a price war that resulted in a
                                                                produce-at-will mentality that sent production
           OPEC’s allies                                        to historic highs. At the same time, demand for

           OPEC transitioned to become OPEC+. The               crude oil products, notably gasoline and diesel,
           addition of the ‘+’ contingent of non-members        disappeared in a matter of days and weeks
           indicate countries who agree to team up on           as COVID-19 shuttered businesses and kept
           organizational decisions but are not bound by        consumers at home.
           true membership. The alliance now includes                                                      SMNS

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