Page 42 - Mariners Cricket Club (Singapore) - Souvenir Magazine 2020
P. 42

While the above-mentioned drinks are postulated to enhance sporting performance, one needs
           to bear in mind that many sports involve a complex mix of performance variables which goes
           beyond just power or endurance. Sports like dancing, ice skating, gymnastics are dependent on

           other performance measures like flexibility and coordination. While some sports drinks may lead
           to improvements in peak power and endurance, consumption of these drinks may not necessarily
           translate to better performance in sports requiring additional skills and fi tness attributes.

           Drinks for recovery

           The main concerns for post-exercise recovery would be muscle protein synthesis, carbohydrate
           restoration, and lastly electrolyte and fluid recovery. The table below provides some practical

           information on types, composition and function of recovery drinks.

                                              Rate of
                                                            When to
            Type of drink   Composition     absorption   consume them        Function        Examples of drinks
                                                                                                 in market
                                              in body
                                                          Before and/                        Mizone; Hydralyte
                                                           or during      Fast hydration;     Sports; Powerade
             Hypertonic      Sugar > 8%,        Fast
                                                         exercise lasting               low energy  Zero; G Active & G2;
                                                            >30min                             Powerade Zero
                             Sugar 3-4%,
                            Protein <1%,       raises
                              Fat <0.2%,       blood
                              Vitamins,        sugar                                       100 Plus; Pocari Sweat;
               Young          minerals,       at slow-        Slow          Moderate        Gatorade; Gatorade
              coconut        electrolytes,     pace*       hydration;       hydration;     Endurance; Powerade
                water        amino acids,    *Glycemic    High energy         energy          ION4; Maximus;
                             unsaturated      index of                                           Staminade
                             fatty acids,   unsweetened
                              enzymes,        coconut
                           phytohormones     water: ≤54
                                                                                           Magnolia, Dutch Lady,
                            Carbohydrate       Slow;                                       Marigold, Greenfi eld’s
             Chocolate*        11-15%          raises     After intense                     chocolate malt, Meiji,
                milk         Sugar 6-8%        blood       workouts;                        Maple Hill Creamery
                            Protein 3-4%       sugar        strength       High energy,      2% Organic Grass-
            *Not for lactose   Fat 2-3%        levels                    replenish sugar,
              intolerant    Vit A, B1, B2,                  training        water and       Fed Chocolate Milk,
               people;     B6, B12 calcium,   slowly and   workouts;       electrolytes,      Fairlife 2% Ultra-
             *Do not over                    steadily*      sport like                       Filtered Chocolate
             consume as it   phosphorus,                   soccer and    muscle recovery   Milk, Horizon Organic
            has high sugar   potassium,      *Glycemic       rugby                         1% Low-Fat Chocolate
               content     essential amino    index: 35                                      Milk, TruMoo 1%
                                acids          (low)
                                                                                               Chocolate Milk
                           10-12%, Protein   moderate;    After intense   Reduces muscle    RW Knudsen Family
                           <1%, Fat <0.3%,     blood       workouts;         promotes      Organic, 21st Century
                             electrolytes,               High-intensity
             Tart cherry      minerals,      sugar at a      sports;          muscle        Tart cherry juice, Tart
                juice                        slow pace                       recovery,      Montmorency cherry
                              vitamins,                     strength
                            antioxidants,    *Glycemic      training      reduces pain &     concentrate, Ocean
                                                                          infl ammation,
                            omega 3 and 6    index: ≤55    workouts       promotes sleep   Spray Pure Tart cherry
                              fatty acids

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