Page 57 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 57

5 Day Trips from Faro  56  57                      TEXT: Roxana Mihăilescu
                                                    PHOTO: Macarena Lasierra

 1.   Ilha Deserta

 If you want to take a break from
 the buzzling life in Faro (well,

 before covid hit), you should em-
 bark in a 30 minutes boat ride
 to Ilha Deserta, also known as

 Ilha de Barreta. It is a deserted
 island, only inhabited by a fisher-
 man and his dog, as the legend
 and the local people say.

 How to get there: from the Faro
 sign turn left and you will see
 some offices where you can buy   What to do: when you arrive on

 tickets for the ferry going to the   the island you will notice a map
 island. The cost is around 10€   saying which directions you can
 for a round trip. You should take   go. Take any path and don’t rush
 the last ferry in order to catch   because you can visit the enti-
 the sunset of the boat, it’s magi-  re piece of land in less than an

 cal!                     hour. If you get hungry, there is
                          only a restaurant on the island,
                          so packing some food could be

                          a good idea.

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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