Page 59 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 59

5 Day Trips from Faro  58  59                      TEXT: Roxana Mihăilescu
                                                    PHOTO: Roxana Mihăilescu

 2.   Walking the Seven   How to get there: both beaches  the cave from above, continue
 Hanging Valleys Trail   are located in the municipality   your trail to Praia de Carvalho
        of Lagoa, where you can get by      and Praia de Vale Centianes. My

        train from Faro in around one       favorite place along the trail is
 The Seven Hanging Valleys   hour. The ticket’s full price is   Algar Seco, where you can go in

 Trail is a scenic trail in Algarve,   5,70€ or 4,20€ if you’re under 25.  the caves.
 starting from Praia da Marihna   The trail lasts 2-3 hours one way,
 beach and stretching all the way   depending on how many photo   What to do: leave early to avoid

 to Praia de Vale Centianes. I   breaks you want to take. Start   the possible crowds or heat du-
 would say the difficulty is mini-  from Praia da Marinha and make  ring summer. Pack some snacks
 mum, but going during summer   your way towards Praia de Be-  and have a picnic on the cliffs!
 could be a bit uncomfortable, as   nagil. Here you can take a boat
 there are not many spots where   to Benagil Cave, one of the most

 you can hide from the sun.  impressive and popular spots in
        Algarve. If you just want to see

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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