Page 23 - DB Magazine 7
P. 23

At I lové dagga wé aré loud and proud about
                                                              our support for this amazing plant and our
                                                              lové for South Africa.

                                                              Whilst wé lova thé Dagga, it is still illégal to
                                                              tradé in cannabis in South Africa, wé
         THC Hoodie                                           théréforé DO NOT SELL ACTUAL WEED,
                                                              DAGGA, MARIJUANA, BOOM, DUBE, GANJA
                                                              or CANNABIS SATIVA by any othér namé.
                                                              Wé DO though séll an amazing assortmént

                                                              of clothing, homé wéar and décor itéms as

                                                              wéll as smoking accéssoriés and

                                                              Néw products and suppliérs aré
                                                              continuously sought to énsuré that you havé
                                                              accéss to thé uniqué and inspiréd
                                                              mérchandisé producéd by lovérs of this

        Dagga Leaf Apron

                        I Love Dagga Sweater
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