Page 44 - DB Magazine 7
P. 44

Mary Jane Inc                                               Usually  my  little  Stella-Bear  furiously

     Raise your hands if you love your dogs?                     and  frantically  runs  to  and  from  each
     K... Cool.... Now raise your hands if your heart            corner of the house, shouting BACK at

     BREAKS  when  they  are  scared  of  the                    Thor.
     thunderstorm / fireworks?                                   Sy raak die moer in!
     Pretty much all of us!                                      If  you  catch  her  in  between  this
     And as Stoners, we KNOW... No thc for the pets!             altercation,  you  will  feel  she  is
     If it happens by accident...         ♀  ️                   shivering!  Brave  outside,  terrified
                                            ...  they don't
     feel the high? They feel the scared          !              inside!
     So, knowing that pups can't have thc,                       Cookie went in about an hour before the
     And  knowing  that  cannabis  is  natural  and  a            storm... First rumble?
     plant, Then piecing together how much Pot has               Sure she lifted her head!
     soothed  my  anxiety  and  improved  my  well-              Second  rumble....  She  mimicked  the

     being  and  then  finally  realizing  that  the  high       rumble,
     comes when the thc is decarbed...                           Third one was a clap and all she did was
     (for  what  it's  worth,  that..       ..  Is  a  verrrry     bark once from her little nest she makes
     condensed version of me thinking             )              herself out of duvets!

     OK right, so I hear about this product for the              Totally sold!
     poopies...  CBD  Dog  Treats  ....  I  had  to  know        Knowing that these cookies are sold at
     more!                                                       Vets, made it significantly easier for us

                                                                 to give them a go?
     When the parcel arrived at my doorstep, it was              Cos they our babies!
     a  very  rare  occasion  that  I  could  spur  the

     barking  dogs  on  saying  (in  dog  owner  voice)
     "yeees  those  are  for  you!  !  Yes  they  are!  -  -
     muffled noises--! Who the good boooi? Yes!"
     (you  changed  your  voice  when  reading  that,
     didn't you?!       )

     Because we co-parent our fur children, I waited
     for The Hub to get home and do the usual fact
     checking,  as  throughout  our  relationship,  his
     word is gospel from a factual side of things!
     (he has since learned the hard way not to mess

     with that trust.... Story for another time          )
     Absolutely impressed by what he was reading,
     he picked up the cookie jar and repeated, well,
     a very similar line of  conversation with them

     that I had had earlier?
     The  first  time  we  gave  it  to  them,  it  was  a
     Gauteng thunderstorm.
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