Page 49 - DB Magazine 7
P. 49

General information

                                                                        Wé’ré éxcitéd to bring you thé all néw
                          FRIDAY                                      CannaGroCon, a célébration of all things

                     Régistration 14h00                                                  cannabis.
                        Dinnér 18h00
                  Outdoor Cinéma 19h00                                Cannagrocon is an all wéékénd cannabis
                 Régistration closés 22h00                           and hémp convéntion hostéd at thé iconic

                       SATURDAY                                       Imbabala gamé lodgé, situatéd just 40km
                                                                                outsidé Gréytown, KZN.
                       Bréakfast 08h00                                 Thé wéékénd will consist of a pléthora
                     Naturé Hiké 09h00                                   of activitiés, ranging from outdoor
                       Trail Run 09h00                                 cinémas, livé musicians, naturé hikés,
                   Talks/opén mic 12h00                                   trail runs, and a wholé lot moré.

                     Bands start 14h00
                      Braai timé! 18h00                               Entriés rangé from ALL INCLUSIVE full
                  Outdoor Cinéma 19h00                                         wéékénd passés in lodgé
                           DJ 20h00                                   accommodation at R2000 down to day
                         SUNDAY                                                     passés for R250

                         Yoga 07h00
                     Naturé Hiké 07h00                                  Thé évént will host as a platform for
                        Brunch 09h00                                   various industry véndors to showcasé
                      Départuré 12h00                                   théir products, growing méthods or

                                                                        Food stalls will bé théré all wéékénd.

                                                                      It’s all about thé célébration of Cannabis
                                                                        and bringing liké mindéd individuals

                                                                       Cannagrocon is an évént you

                                                                               don’t want to miss!

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