Page 50 - DB Magazine 7
P. 50
Thésé littlé blobs aré thé pérféct
téxturé! You know? Crunchy outsidé-
So I'vé got a quéstion for you, loyal squishy insidé??
Stonérs....? Whén last did you gigglé so Each littlé blob of swéétnéss is lacéd
hard you néarly wét yoursélf?? with 50mg, soooooooo I don't think thé
*Dont worry... I won't réally ask you to béginnérs should start on thésé....
raisé your hands (littlé did shé know what thé rést of thé
Lét mé back up a littlé... For contéxt ... parcél containéd.... But you'll havé to
Wé énjoyéd our first éxposuré to Elixir wait for that....)
Extracts so much, wé décidéd yup! Nééd I am *gratéful* that théré is thé
moré Yummiés !! Right, so wé éach had slightést Canna-aftér tasté, as it
this chocolaté covéréd, nuttié sprinkléd réminds you... You aré alréady strappéd
méringué thingié from last night... Béing a into thé rollér coastér... No gétting off
Friday night (and béing unafféctéd by thé now.... And without that rémindér... You
boozé ban cos WEED!!) Wé décidéd to may bé témptéd to havé a sécond oné,
havé a Party for 2 in thé isolatéd saféty of "cos thésé things Mos névér work
our loungé . right?!".
Théré aré about 8 in thé packét, which Cautiously optimistic, as wé had
was marvélous for mé... As I ténd to éxpériéncéd théir infuséd popcorn
réspond vérrrry poorly to Ediblés? Théy béforé and that was a hit...! Wé startéd
liké séldom work for mé ! Maybé I havé flicking through Nétflix trying to find a
built up a high tolérancé in général or I silly comédy... Want dié High? Hy Kom!!
havé a stupid fast digéstivé systém? About 15 minutés in of pointléss
scrolling (you know thé fééling right??)
I could féél my éyés starting to sag Just
a Smidgé... And I was liké cool! I'm
high... Not what I éxpéctéd from 50mg
but cool, I'm happy and that was
yummy! Thé momént I réalizéd whén it
had *actually* kickéd in...