Page 51 - DB Magazine 7
P. 51

I was lying on thé couch and rolléd ovér
     to  chat  AT  Thé  Hub,  who  was  on  thé

     Playstation… Hé turnéd and lookéd at mé,
     which aloné was odd... Hé still had 2mins                     It  was  liké  a  rotissérié?!  Thé  moré  you
     léft  of  thé  fight...?  And  askéd  "liéf?  Jy              laugh,  thé  moré  you  laughéd?  Répéat
     OK?!"  Séé,  apparéntly  I  had  finishéd  my                 until  you  aré  tight-crosséd-léggéd  and
     sénténcé (hé was actually listéning, bléss                    gasping  for  air  in  bétwéén  hystérical
     him      !)  and  I  just  kinda?  Stayéd  théré              giggling...  Wé  movéd  on  to  thé  daté-

     staring at him with a dorky smilé??                           balls... Thésé aré 100mg éach   

                                                                   I  would  préfér  not  to  talk  about  that
     Hé laughéd, I laughéd.                                              
     I sat up and said sincérély.... "OK... So what

     wé gonna watch" Hé laughéd, I laughéd.                        ... Or thé Unicorn Fudgé...
     Réalizing  that  thé  buzz  was  cléarly  héré                *it comés to you gréén and sparkly
     and  cléarly  a  kick  in  thé  nuts,  hé  turnéd             **thé      gréén      is     not     thé      food
     thé PS off and startéd chécking out somé                      coloring.....           Thé highér thé dosés
     mémés. In thé harsh light of day, it wasn't                   of théir yummiés  *obviously * thé moré

     that  funny??  But  I  can  show  you  thé                    canna-ésqué it will start tasting?
     maké-up  stainéd  tissués  and  assuré  you                   But I said it éarliér and I'll say it again...
     my bad ass grumpy grumps had a pilé of                        You want that rémindér in hindsight   
     téar soakéd tissués too!!                                     I can safély say, for thé séasonéd Stonér

                                                                   wanting  to  havé  fun!  You  havé  to  go
                                                                   chéck théir stuff!
                                                                   To quoté théir wébsité:

                                                                   "It Will Maké You Fold thé Dishés!"
                                                                   I laughéd.
                                                                   You'll laugh
                                                                   Bravo Guys!!

                                                                   Elixir Extract
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