Page 55 - DB Magazine 7
P. 55
2021 is here but you are not excited for this
new year and you’re in a dark place. Having There are communities dedicated to mental
Mental health issues can cause you to see all health and they help a lot of people, you don't
the bad things in life and sometimes you need to be alone. I didn't realize how many
don't feel like you want to get out of bed or people hide their sadness, it's scary how well
eat anything or you just ignore all your we can hide something, especially if you always
messages to have some time by yourself. feel like a burden. Love yourself and try to
improve everyday. This year is all about keeping
positive, and I know there are so many bad
When you feel like you're not in the mood to things going on but we need to show these kids
deal with the world that's fine, you don't have how to be strong.
to pretend to be okay if you're not but try to
take care of yourself. If you're feeling way too
down to stand up then go take a long bath Be happy with who you are and what you still
and relax for a little bit. I know a lot of people can achieve. It doesn't matter how many times
say it's mind over matter and that you can you've failed in life, the past doesn't divine you.
think yourself out of any situation, but that is If you do not learn from your mistakes then
just not true especially if you have ptsd, you're not growing as a person.
deppresion and other mental health related Sometimes it's not even a mistake, sometimes
cases. you're just a quiter. I use to be a quitter, I never
finished anything I've ever started in my life.
I've written more than 30 books but not
I realized that when I treat myself good and finished 1 story. I'm currently writing a book
give myself some slack then I did feel better. that still has a long way to go.
If you've been through something that you
can't even talk about or just won't talk about. It's not easy being a writer, having so many
Then watch some YouTube, I've watched
some videos on YouTube of people going stories and dreams and poems and just
through the same kind of things I did, and not everything in between. Writing is another type
only did I see someone successfully living of drug like drinking 10 redbuls and 10 joints!
with all this I also got some amazing self care Yessss baby now I'm satisfied. Reading is a
tips. great way to get lost in your mind and have a
laugh, I always try to make a few jokes in my
stories. I truly do believe laughter is a medicine
or magic, sorry if you always catch me
laughing. That's just my reaction to everything.
If you are reading this then I hope you have a
blessed 2021 and that all your dreams come
Written by ShazTheOnly