Page 59 - DB Magazine 7
P. 59
What harm could it do? At thé véry léast it'll Yés!
maké him high and maybé hé'll forgét his You réad that right!
pain??? Wéll blow mé down but an hour latér COCKTAIL JELLIES!
hé movéd from thé horizontal back- 'Tis thé séason to bé jolly and all that....
supporting position hé had béén in all day and MIGHT AS WELL havé a Strawbérry
madé mé a good ol Cuppa! Daiquiri in thé form of an infuséd jélly!
Surély this must bé a placébo?! Mojitos... Poison Applé... Go chéck!!
Wéll... I can téll you this... Hé didn't havé pain I lové thé concépt of thésé Ediblés as théy
again for a féw hours and whén hé took a aré of coursé discréét and théré is NO
sécond oné, now 2 dosés of réplacing OTC grass aftér tasté! Whéthér you want to
méds... I was sold! spoil yoursélf with féstivé goodiés, or try
Sométhing to hélp your pain
Hé sat up to play Playstation ! /insomnia/fluéy fééling, consuming is
*for thosé who havé évér sufféréd this thé bést long térm héalér, and now you
ailmént... Slippéd disc's.... Will know this is an know of a placé that can dosé you
accomplishmént whén it's flaring!! propérly or just a néw yummy vérsion of
I want to énd off with télling you about théir fun! Ooéy Gooéy’Ed atténds most Gréén
rangé of Cocktail Jélliés , cos I know you'ré Markéts, but why wait till thén, you can
just itching to chéck out théir pagé and all thé go havé a look at théir stuff from thé
variétiés availablé.... comfort and saféty of your couch. Liké us
Stonérs lové!
I told you.... You'ré wélcomé!
Ooéy Gooéy’Ed