P. 10

the Cambrian School
       t he Camb  rian Sch oo l

        Field Trip To Botanical Garden

               he field trip to Saadatganj Botanical Garden was filled with both captivating views and significant
               information  of  plant  life.  Senior  Secondary  students  saw  different  types  of  plants  and  their
       Treproductive organs as well. They enjoyed the trip a lot as it was experiential learning for them.
        Through this trip they learnt different practices of Asexual reproduction like Grafting, Cutting, Layering
        etc. They got a chance to meet the Gardner as well. Students asked many questions related to plants
        that how to grow healthy plants and which type of manure is important for the plants.
         It was definitely a lot of walking around, but it was worth getting to see the different flora and learning
        more about plants.

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