Page 6 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
P. 6
the President
You’re Not Reading This
y high school history teacher members who make up TCMS and strengthen our bonds. Take the time
once told us a story from his for the privilege I’ve had to meet so to introduce yourself to unfamiliar
Mcollege years. He had waited many of you during my term. This physicians that you encounter in
until the last minute to finish a long edition of the Journal introduces the the clinics and hospitals. Sometimes
essay and was running out of material incredible winners of the 2022 TCMS the power of a smile and brief
to complete the required number of Awards. Their stories are amazing conversation can be just the thing
pages. So, in the middle few pages of and inspiring. I hope you will join me to brighten someone’s day and help
the document, he wrote continuously, at the Awards dinner at the Oasis them remember they’re not alone.
“You’re not reading this. You’re not on November 17 to meet and If our membership was a
reading this…” as filler. He said a celebrate these incredible colleagues. circulatory system, the diagnosis
little prayer and turned in the paper. I also hope their careers and service could be anemia. The percentage
A few days later, he got his graded will inspire all of us to continue to (hematocrit?) of physicians in Travis
paper returned with a big, red “F” stay involved in service to our Society County who are TCMS members
scribbled at the top with this message and the community at large. is dropping for the first time in
from his professor, “Yes I am!” Still reading this? Good! Let’s talk decades. While the absolute number
You are now reading my final (in medical terms to which we can of members (RBCs?) is still increasing,
president’s article. I was a bit late relate) about ways to get or stay the percentage is dropping as many
submitting it, so I was tempted to involved in TCMS and some of the more physicians are moving into the
drop in a few “You’re not reading benefits of being engaged. area than are joining. (Hemodilution?
this” sentences later in the article Are you feeling burned out? Are I’m sure my hematology colleagues
to see who might catch it. I also you needing some more dopamine are cringing!)
imagined mock cheering amongst and serotonin surging through your So, if we are anemic, we need
the membership for the end of my brain? Then plan on attending some a transfusion of more members,
articles! Which reminded me of of the TCMS social events. They are and everyone reading this can help
the Tonight Show skits, where so much fun and a great way to meet administer it. Each of us who knows
Johnny Carson played “Carnac the other physicians and their spouses, the value and power of a strong
Magnificent.” After many bad jokes, and they’ll brighten your mood membership should be motivated to
Ed McMahon would declare, “I hold for sure. recruit our non-member physician
in my hand the last envelope” and the colleagues to join us in the TCMS
crowd erupts in mock cheers. If you and TMA. Use the Sept/Oct Journal
were born after 1990, just Google it. “Still reading?” (Why TCMS?) as a resource for your
But seriously, as my time as TCMS elevator pitch. Younger physicians
President draws to a close, I reflect and employed physicians have told
on 2022 with gratitude. Fortunately, The TCMS night at the Trail of me that they either cannot afford the
the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed Lights on December 11 is one great membership dues, or they don’t see
down, and we’ve started to get back way to spend time with colleagues the relevance of organized medicine.
to normal, or at least to a new normal. and their families and get in the Once I explained the many benefits
Your Medical Society, focused for the holiday spirit. Look for more information of a strong medical society, some of
past two years on helping the medical about this and other events on the them reconsidered and joined. Don’t
community fight the disease, has website and in your emails. just assume that your colleague is a
returned to its usual functions such as I also highly recommend the member. Check out DirectorySpot
advocacy, social events, CME, physician “Chicken S*#t Bingo” night, scheduled or search
wellness, and charitable endeavors. for January 23, 2023, at The Little and if they aren’t listed – they aren’t
I am grateful for the wonderful Longhorn Saloon where side wagers a member.
staff of TCMS. They make this job are encouraged! It’s a great way to We need TCMS/TMA to stay
fun and easy. Please take the time to experience some classic Austin fun strong to bolster our physician
thank them when you see them at the with your colleagues. community immunity. A pathogen
next event. Of course, we don’t have to called malpractice, contained by tort
I am most grateful for the amazing wait for the next TCMS function to reform almost 20 years ago, may
6 2022 November • December TCMS