Page 9 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
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TCMS Member Dr. Ari Brown’s
Bestseller, Baby 411,
Celebrates its 20th
Distinguished Dean’s Chair in Anniversary Edition
Medical Leadership.
Lucchinetti comes to Austin from Two decades ago, Austin pediatrician
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, Ari Brown, MD, published Baby 411,
where she is dean of clinical and giving parents answers to the myriad
translational science and director of questions that come with raising
of the Center for Clinical and a baby. This book was followed by
Translational Science. She also serves successful sequels to include Toddler
as chair of the Department of 411 and Expecting 411.
Neurology and chair of the neurology Baby 411 is available in bookstores
enterprise subspecialty council, nationwide with over 1 million copies
Claudia F. Lucchinetti, MD, overseeing strategic and operational in print. Dr. Brown still sees patients
Named Dell Med Dean responsibilities across Mayo Clinic (and their parents) from her practice,
sites nationwide.
411 Pediatrics. She also hosts an
Effective Dec. 1, 2022, Claudia F. She earned her medical online community (
Lucchinetti, MD, will serve as dean of degree from Rush Medical College for parent support and child health
Dell Medical School and senior vice in Chicago and, after an internship a resources. In addition, Dr. Brown
president for medical affairs at The Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical chairs the 500+ member Greater
University of Texas at Austin. In these Center, completed a neurology Austin Pediatric Society (GAPS)
roles, she oversees Dell Med’s work in residency and a fellowship in physician group.
education, research, and clinical care, neuroimmunology at Mayo Clinic
including operations at UT Health College of Medicine and Science. As
Austin, Dell Med’s clinical practice, and a Mayo Foundation Scholar, she trained
leads the university’s comprehensive in experimental neuropathology with
health care strategy. She also holds Hans Lassmann, MD, at the Brain
the Frank and Charmaine Denius Research Institute in Vienna, Austria.
TCMS 2022 November • December 9