Page 13 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
P. 13

The  state  of medicine  today  is  just  my patients, ‘Would I give you bad
                                               like the world at the moment—it’s     information   or   something    that
                                               tumultuous. But partisan controversies  would hurt  you?’”  And lastly, she  is

                                               and bureaucratic  red tape  aside, the  concerned about younger physicians

                                               positive  aspects  of medicine  are  and their need for set hours and work/
                                               quite  monumental.   Hauger is  not the  life  balance.  “I  get  it,  and those  things

                                               only  physician blown away by the   are critically  important—but  being  a
                                               advances in science.  “Like  others  have  physician requires sacrifices. It is a lifetime

                                               said  before  me,  it  is  unheard of  for  commitment to the greater good; young

                                               a vaccine to come  out so fast.  It is  people need to understand the profound
                                               incredible that the COVID vaccine was  responsibility they have.”

                                               available during  the  pandemic itself.     During her off hours, Dr. Hauger
                                               I mean SCIENCE! OMG!” Hauger  enjoys people, travel (she once dreamed
                                               goes on to cite the advances in precision  of being a glamorous airline stewardess),

                                               medicine—genomics, looking at genetic  food, swimming, and reading. She even
                                               predispositions,  as  well  as  the  artificial  admits to keeping poetry in her powder

                                               intelligence in the works to aid physicians,  room.  “Oh yeah, you can enjoy Mary
                  A day with granddaughter, Pearl  as further proof that the  positives  in  Oliver, Robert Frost, or  Maya Angelou
                                               medicine today are worthy of excitement.  while you’re in there.”
          explains. And as for how she decided to   As  for  her   concerns   about      Being named TCMS Physician of the
          go into pediatrics, all it took was seeing  medicine, well . . . she has a few. “I am   Year was a shock. “When I got the call,
          a newborn exam during med school.  concerned      about   the   expanding  I was astounded—I mean, WHAT? I am
          “The  doctor did the  exam with  such  disparities in  care and  health inequities.  honored beyond words. It is amazing that
          love and  tenderness  in his touch,” she  I am worried about the affordability  my peers think so much of my work,” she
          smiles. “Seeing the reflexes of a newborn   of  medical care and its inaccessibility.”  says. As with  every  physician honored
          and how they  develop, I just love  the  In  addition,  Hauger  finds  the  lack  of   by  TCMS, Hauger says  she  can name
          physiology of it all.”               basic self-care/medical knowledge in the  physicians  way more  deserving of this

              During  her  undergraduate years  community—like how to eat  right—  award  than  herself. But  her  peers feel

          at  the  University  of Texas,  El Paso,  extremely  worrisome.  “And of  course,  otherwise. “Dr. Hauger has practiced in
          Dr. Hauger met  her husband, David  I have a huge issue  with  vaccine   Austin  for many years  and as the  only
          Mark. At the time, she was 16 and he was  hesitancy,” she  says  with  force. “I ask  practicing Pediatric ID physician. She
          20.  “It was a good sign when he didn’t
          run  away  screaming,”  she  laughs.  They
          married after  grad  school  (then  ages
          21  and 25,  respectively).  “It’s been  47
          years—go figure,” she says. Together they                                  is a consummate  educator  for  those
          have  two children. Their son,  Alex, 42,                                  in the hospital as well  as those  in the
          is an executive in commercial insurance                                    community. She has given presentations
          and their daughter, Olivia, 33,  is a                                      for TCMS and the community and is a
          registered  dietician.  Her cherished                                      model physician  with  her intelligence,
          granddaughter,  Pearl, is aged  seven.                                     diligence, willingness  to serve, and
          Family is a priority to Hauger—her father                                  dedication to her patients and the families
          is 98 and her mother, to whom she was                                      and children of Austin and beyond.”
          very  close,  passed  in 2017.  A beautiful                                   In addition to Dr. Hauger’s award
          drawing  of her and her mother  hangs                                      winning   qualities,  she  is  very
          above  her desk.  “She  was very  special                                  complimentary of Texas organized
          to me,” she says. “She had a long illness                                  medicine. “I have practiced in Chicago
          and not  a ‘good’ death.  She was in a                                     and NYC and have  seen  organized
          hospital in Houston  and when I would                                      medicine at work there too. But I have
          drive to see her, I would listen to audio                                  never been a part of such an organized
          books about life  and death.  The  whole                                   group of physicians  with  their hearts
          experience  taught  me a  lot.” When Dr.                                   in the  right place. Over the last two
          Hauger is practicing,  she applies what                                    years, Travis County Medical Society has
          she learned during  her  mother’s illness.                                 provided so much information, resources,
          “When I am with a family with a child                                      and fellowship.”
          in that situation, I ask myself what I                                        Austin  should  be  very  glad
          can do to  give them  calmness.  That is                                   she did not become a glamorous airline
          so important.”                                                             stewardess after all.
                                                    Proud parents at daughter, Olivia’s wedding

          TCMS                                        2022  November  •  December                                     13
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