Page 16 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
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                                   James McMichael, MD

              eloved by his patients  and  McMichael was also active  within
              esteemed  by his colleagues,  his specialty  societies,  the  American
        Banesthesiologist  Dr.  James  Society           of     Anesthesiologists
        McMichael is  one of  those  rare  (ASA) and  the  Texas Society  of

        persons who can stand up for what  Anesthesiologists (TSA). A long-time
        is  right  without alienating either side.  delegate from the TSA to the ASA,  heart transplant in  Austin,  at Seton
        “A good leader reads the environment  he also served on the Committee of  Hospital.    Dell   Seton    Medical

        and  understands the  dynamics  Governmental Affairs, the Committee  Center has a plaque commemorating
        of the situation—coming to an  on Economics, and the Committee on  the  event.  Drs. Chip  Oswalt, Emery

        understanding  from that  aspect  Expert  Witness  Testimony  Review.  Dilling  and Jim  Calhoon  performed

        can usually be successful,” he  says,  He was the  president  of the  TSA  the surgery. “I really enjoyed working
        explaining his longtime success  in  2000  among  other roles. Locally,   with cardiac surgeons. It made me a
        working with hospital administration.  he has been a TMA  TEXPAC   better  doctor and prepared me  for
        “The goals of administration do  supporter for many years and served  different  challenges,”  he  explains.
        not always  align with  the  goals of  on  the  Board  of Ethics for  the   “Actually, I think I learned something

        the medical staff, so conflicts occur.  Travis County Medical Society  every  day  of  my  practice,  from
        I weighed in patient safety first, then  (TCMS), chairing the committee in  patients,  my  partners,  CAA nurses,
        the medical staff concerns and went  1993. Dr. McMichael has  also  been  and even about myself.”

        from  there.” Proving that he was  a  regular  volunteer  for  the annual     He received the first Dr. Thomas
        respected by both sides, he was asked  TCMS athletic  physicals  for AISD  B. Coopwood  Service  Award  for
        to serve as Seton’s interim VP of   underprivileged  children. “I have  to  Excellence   in    Surgery     and
        Medical Affairs  and Chief Medical  emphasize my thanks to my family  Perioperative        Care    from    the
        Officer  in  2015.  In  addition,  he  and  my partners—they  were so   University  of Texas Dell Medical

        has held positions on many hospital  generous  in allowing  me  the  time  School, which came as a surprise (for
        committees  and served  as secretary,  to  dedicate  to  important medical   which he did not ask for a recount).
        vice  chief,  chief of staff,  and  affairs,” he says with feeling.           Dr. McMichael and his wife,

        president of the Seton network. For      What were some of the highlights  Dr. Melinda McMichael (internal
        many years he was active on the Seton  of his practice? “Everyday in  labor   medicine),  moved  to Austin from
        Bylaws Committee, of which he was  and       delivery   was     gratifying  San  Antonio  in  1982.  Together they
        chair in 1989.                        administering   epidurals,  helping have three children, all with graduate
            That’s  a lot  of  hospital activity,  women have a  comfortable delivery,  degrees. “We are really proud  and
        right? But  it’s only one of the  helping them enjoy  (without  pain)  happy;  I guess we’ve done OK,” he

        organizations  he was involved with  a glorious day  in their life.” And,   chuckles. He retired from practice in
        while  being  a full  time,  practicing  in 1986,  Dr.  McMichael and his  2018 and is enjoying his time reading,

        anesthesiologist   with      Capitol   partner Dr. Bill Rush served as  exercising,  travelling,  and, especially,
        Anesthesia    Association   (CAA).   the  anesthesiologists  for  the  first  not setting his alarm for 0500.

         TCMS Auto Program
         Don’t spin your wheels looking for a car! Let the TCMS Auto Program do all the
         work for free. Just provide the make and model of the car you want, and we’ll find it
         for the lowest price available. Financing assistance is also available. We’ll even deliver
         it to your office for a test drive at no cost.
         This program is open to TCMS physicians, their families and their staff.

         Contact Phil Hornbeak: 210-896-4191 |

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