Page 15 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
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                                                            Dave Fitzgerald Clarke, MD

                                                      Director of the Dell Children’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
                                               neurophysiology  training (epilepsy  and  limited countries. This program provides
                                               sleep) at the Hospital for Sick Children  education  to  local  health  care providers
                                               at the University of Toronto in Canada.  and teaches the importance of technology
                                                   Although he  has spent  his career  to improve access. For  this and  much
                 r. Dave Clarke’s excellence in the  in  the US, he has  never forgotten  the   more, Dr. Clarke  was recently  named
                 field  of  pediatric  neurology  is  medical needs of the Caribbean people.  one of six biennial “Ambassadors of
          Dunquestioned. His accolades and  Medical  care  on these  islands is  limited  Epilepsy”  by  the  International League
          accomplishments are many. But it is the  and until recently, there was not a single  Against Epilepsy.
          extraordinary lengths he goes to for his  child neurologist in the  Caribbean. On     Clarke  is a fellow  of the  American
          native Caribbean that stands out for this  these  islands,  children with  neurological  Epilepsy Society, an elected member of
          honor. Born in Antigua, Clarke received  conditions usually  receive  care from   the North American Commission of the
          his medical degree at the  University  general pediatricians who do  not have  International  League  Against Epilepsy

          of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica. He  access to the latest diagnostic techniques  and past president of the Epilepsy Society
          completed his first two years of pediatric  and  technology. Dr. Clarke has joined   of the  Caribbean.  He  has continued
          training  at Overlook  Hospital, then an  a coordinated effort by the  Child   to  advocate  for unity,  inclusiveness,

          affiliate of Columbia University College  Neurology Society, the American Epilepsy  and collaboration  between  centers  in
          of Physicians  and Surgeons, Summit,  Society, the International League Against  Texas and  throughout the Caribbean

          New  Jersey. He  completed pediatric  Epilepsy, and  the International  Child  Island countries.  He  sincerely  believes

          neurology training  at the University  Neurology  Association  to  improve  care  this is the only way to reach and care for

          of Michigan Medical Center and   of people with epilepsy  in resource-  all children with epilepsy.

                     2022 RUTH M. BAIN YOUNG PHYSICIAN AWARD

                                  Michael Stefanowicz, DO

                               Associate Director of Sexual Health, CommUnityCare

                 r. Michael Stefanowicz  is 33—  Clinical Leadership Fellowship. In 2020,
                 and after  speaking with  him, it  he joined CommUnityCare and has been
          Dis obvious he represents the best  creatively  reworking the  practice  of
          of his generation. According to Google,  medicine ever since.
          millennials often “work toward  helping     Always  looking  for better ways  to
          others, imparting inspiration, and working  help underserved populations, Stefanowicz     So, what is Dr. Stefanowicz’s hope for

          to  improve  community  and worldwide  has no problem  taking  medicine  to the  the future? “I would like to see a ‘whole

          issues.” This definition is spot on when  streets.  A recent  example was setting  person care clinic’  for marginalized
          it comes to Michael Stefanowicz, DO. As  up a Monkeypox vaccine  clinic during  populations  like  LGBTQ+  and others.
          the Associate Director of Sexual Health  Austin’s  Pride  weekend,  resulting  in   Currently, many people from multi-
          for CommUnityCare, he focuses on HIV  almost 2,000  vaccinations. “I believe  marginalized  backgrounds  go  to one
          and most  recently, Monkeypox. Having  there are more efficient ways to practice  place for primary care, one place for HIV
          an entire team dedicated to sexual health  medicine  for  vulnerable populations—  care and  sexual health, or another place
          is unusual, but Stefanowicz says they fill  sometimes  we  get  further  with  patients  for social services, etc. I know being able
          an unmet need, and many of the biggest  if we  are on their  turf—they  trust  to go to one location for all their needs

          health care challenges are related to sex.  more outside the walls of a clinic.” And  would encourage better outcomes.”
          “At CommUnityCare, there are no sacred  Stefanowicz practices what he preaches.     With a contagious  smile and  a
          cows,” he says with a laugh.         He and a team of health care workers hit  caring spirit,  it  was a pleasure  to  talk
              Stefanowicz  received  his  medical  the streets regularly with the Healthcare  to him and  easy  to understand why
          degree  at  the  Philadelphia College  of  for  Homeless  program,  treating people  he is described this way, “Dr Stefanowicz
          Osteopathic  Medicine.  He  finished  his  with hepatitis, HIV, and  more. He has  is a gift  to CommUnityCare, he is a
          residency in family medicine as the chief  also expanded the David Powell Clinic’s  gift  to our regional healthcare system,

          resident  at Dell Medical School,  then  HIV and sexual health services to additional  but most especially, he is a  gift  to all
          attended University of Southern California’s  locations in Austin, giving patients access  individuals  who are fortunate  to  call
          Keck School  of Medicine for  an  HIV  to care in three locations.         him their doctor.”

          TCMS                                        2022  November  •  December                                     15
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