Page 14 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
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                                                          Audrey Kuang, MD

                                                   Internal Medicine, CommUnityCare, Central Health
                                              She believed that understanding a  Examples of her dedication are numerous

                                              patient’s living environment and meeting  —during the  aftermath of Hurricane
                                              them there, improved care and garnered  Harvey, she supported  the  care in  the
                                              trust, resulting in realistic and accessible  temporary  shelters  for those displaced
              he  daughter  of  first-generation  treatment goals. This approach was reaffirmed  by  the hurricane.  The  devastating  2021
              Chinese  immigrants,  Dr.  Audrey  during her residency years and beyond as  Texas winter  saw  her driving to  the
        TKuang was constantly  reminded  a hospitalist at Santa Clara Valley Medical  shelters to treat individuals for frostbite
        that  hard  work and humility  were  the  Center, where it was easy to see the clear  and exposure complications. Currently,
        keys to success. Her undergraduate years  interdependence of housing and health.  as Director of High-Risk populations
        were spent at MIT without one thought     Practicing  with  CommUnityCare  with  Central Health,  she  is  focusing
        of becoming  a physician.  Although she  (CUC) and  Central Health, Dr. Kuang  her efforts on providing a safe place to

        majored in chemical  engineering,  she  is  fiercely  dedicated  to  serving  and   heal for patients  who are experiencing
        was fascinated  by  her anthropology  healing the  most  vulnerable among  us.  homelessness. No doubt she will accomplish

        class,  examining  the  way  humanity  is  She is the  clinical director of CUC’s  exactly what she sets out to do, as she is
        influenced  by  its  environment  and  the  Healthcare for the Homeless  program,  known  to  have  “a Disney  heart  and an
        corresponding physical results. How did  which cares for patients experiencing  MIT brain.”
        this  fascination morph into a medical  homelessness  through  the  shelter  team,     When nominated,  her passion was
        degree  from the  University  of Chicago  a mobile  team, and street medicine  described  perfectly:  “She  inspires all
        Medical School? Dr. Kuang saw a way to  team. From wound care to vaccines and   of us to see  through her eyes and feel
        combine medical training  with her love  hepatitis  treatments, her medical  teams  through her heart those individuals as our

        for  people and  her passion  for  justice  make regular forays  into Travis County  neighbors, our family, ourselves.”
        to  better  treat  underserved  populations.  areas of known homeless  communities.

                      2022 RUTH M. BAIN YOUNG PHYSICIAN AWARD
                                     Lauren Gambill, MD

                               Pediatric Hospitalist, Dell Children’s Medical Center
       “   t is such an honor  to  think  that  Gambill serves on the executive legislative  and empowered

           parents trust me with the care of their  committee of the Texas Pediatric Society,   to speak out,
        Ichildren—if I stop to really think  is involved in several  Texas Pediatric   so that together
        about it, it just takes  my breath away,”  Society  (TPS)  committees, and  is the  we can improve

        says Dr. Lauren Gambill,  a  pediatric  co-director of the TPS Texas Educators  the world we
        hospitalist  at  Dell  Children’s  Medical  in Advocacy  and Community  Health  live in.”
        Center of Central Texas. She has believed  (TEACH) Collaborative.              Currently, her focus  is on  gun
        that children are “the best humans” for     Nationally, Dr. Gambill is an   violence  prevention—specifically  when

        as long as she can remember and so when  Associate  Program  Director for  the   children are injured.  She  has dealt  with

        it  was  time  to  decide  on a  specialty,  Academic  Pediatric  Association Health  cases  here  in Austin  and explains that
        pediatrics was the obvious choice. Now  Policy  Scholars  Program,  as well as a  many shooting injuries with  kids result
        that she has her  own kids, she believes  national leader in the American Academy   in lifetime  disabilities, not to mention
        she has an even deeper appreciation for  of Pediatrics Community  Pediatrics  trauma, anxiety, depression, and  more

        what  a profound  privilege  it  is to be a  Training  Initiative. In  addition, she is   after the physical healing. Another cause
        pediatrician. “They are  the light of my  a graduate of the  prestigious  OpEd   she champions is civic  engagement
        life,” she  says smiling. Her daughter,  Project  Public Voices  Fellowship and   and  voting equity. Studies  show that
        Nylah, is four and her son, Idrees, is two.  actively  gives  presentations  and writes  communities with the best voter turnouts
            What makes Dr. Gambill stand out  for many publications including US News  have better health outcomes.
        amongst her peers are her tireless efforts  and World Report,, and the     Dr. Gambill’s colleagues  value her
        to change child  health policy through   Austin American Statesman about the need  enthusiasm  and commitment,  one of
        advocacy  and education.  Locally,  she  is  for change. “We have enormous power to  them  movingly  stating,  “She  shows
        the chair of TMA’s Child and Adolescent  create change as physicians by using our  a consistent passion to transform herself,
        Health  Committee,  which promotes   voices and sharing our stories. With our  educate, and provide outstanding clinical

        policies  to encourage the  development  voices we can help policy makers and the  care. Her voice is strong, but not loud.
        of healthy youth, including those with  public understand how  real people are  The difference being that she communicates
        disabilities,  and provides  liaison with  impacted by policy and better understand  to  uplift  her colleagues  not drown  out
        organizations  concerned with health  the solutions. My goal in education work  their voices.”
        services  for children and adolescents.  is to help other physicians feel equipped

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