Page 19 - 2022-November-December-Journal-Final
P. 19

Drug Overdose Deaths in Travis County, 2018-2021

            Desmar Walkes, MD and Jeffery P. Taylor, MPH
            Austin Public Health, Austin, Texas

                   Data Sources
              Data on drug  overdose  deaths
          in Travis County from 2018 through
          2021  was  obtained  from two
          sources: the Travis County Medical
          Examiner’s Office and the Centers
          for Disease Control and Prevention
          Wide-ranging Online  Data for
          Epidemiologic Research (WONDER),
          an interactive  online database.
          Specific drug overdoses may involve
          multiple  drugs  and substances
          such as opioids, antidepressants,
          antipsychotics,   psychostimulants,
          and synthetic  cannabinoids. The
          emphasis of this report is the role
          of opioids.


              The opioid epidemic is continuing
          to  adversely  impact  people  in the  County. Most (59%) of the deaths  deaths. Most of the deaths (60.4%)
          United  States  and Travis  County,  occurred in 2020 and 2021. A   occurred at the  person’s residence
          Texas. During 2020,  over 91,500  majority  (76%)  of the  deaths were  or another person’s residence. About
          drug overdose deaths were reported  males and 79% were 20 to 59 years  20% occurred in a hospital. A total

          in the United States.  In 2019,  of age. Some deaths  (2.8%)  were  of 131 persons (13%)  were
          70% of drug overdose deaths in the  persons 19 years of age or younger  identified as transients.
          United States involved an opioid. 2  and some (2.7%) were 70 years of          Figure 1 shows age-adjusted drug
              During 2018 through 2020, the  age or older.                           overdose and opioid-related mortality
          Travis County  Medical Examiner’s        Most (93%) of the deaths were  rates. Age-adjusted mortality rates
          Office  reported  1,015  drug over  accidental.    Death    by    suicide  for drug overdose deaths in Travis
          dose  deaths  occurring in Travis  accounted for 6.6% of the overdose                           Continued on page 22

            Figure 2 shows the number of drug overdose deaths and the percent involving fentanyl or heroin.  The percent of deaths involving
            heroin has decreased  while the percent  of deaths involving  fentanyl  has increased.  During 2021, fentanyl  was the only opioid
            identified for 68% of the deaths with opioid involvement. Overall, 62% of deaths involving fentanyl during 2018-2021 occurred
            in 2021.
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