Page 18 - It's a Rum Life Book 3 "Ivy House Tales 1970 to 1984"
P. 18
Peter’s family had very close associations with John Parkinson but his own family history
was even more difficult to comprehend when we realised his great ancestor had been THE
Lely, official painter to the court of King Charles the Second.
A self portrait of this revered gentleman actually graced the walls of Ivy House. We were in
austere company indeed.
How could we not love this garden (photo in 1975)
A tour of the house concluded the fact that we just loved everything about it. Even the
brightly hand painted wallpaper in the ‘master’ bedroom that closely resembled huge
startling coloured cauliflowers!
Every room oozed character with lovely fireplaces, large high ceilings with plaster
cornices, tall windows with original oak frames, a kitchen that resembled a football field
with views down steps into the glorious south facing garden and an annex with huge open
fire place and accompanying bread oven.
Furnishings were somewhat sparse as Peter and his family were due to leave for Spain in
a matter of days where he was to set up an art school. We were invited to stay to tea, that
turned out to be jam sandwiches that we helped prepare on a plain hardboard table in the
centre of the kitchen.