Page 197 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK TWO "BOSTON 1960 TO 1970"
P. 197
This book contains between 40 and 50 “tales”, lots about
animals as it revolves around the founding and first few years
of The Northcote Heavy Horse Centre. Lots of happy days but
much anguish too!
Northcote Diary 1985
Not all that happened in 1984/5 was woe and disaster.
There were one or two bright episodes too.
We had not been moved long into ‘Northcote’, the small
country cottage with “room for a pony”. Well, more than one
pony actually. There was five acres of land including the piece
the house sat upon, together with various outbuildings in
differing stages of dilapidation.
I have explained in “Buying Northcote”, just what miracles
had to be performed to actually save some of our sanity and
exchange our “Georgian Country House” for this comparatively
tiny residence tucked away down a narrow twisted country
Once here we had to stay here and at the same time find
some means of income and help Ruth cope with the undoubted
shock of the upheaval and total change. As I was explaining it
was not all doom and gloom.
We had a phone call one day; it was one of those
remarkable things that can happen from time to time. The call
was from a programme presenter for BBC Radio Nottingham.
His name was Dennis McCarthy.
We had met Dennis the previous year at a Charity event to
raise funds for a Cancer ward to Pilgrim Hospital. The lady
who arranged that event, Lynn Ellis, had been known to us and
we had attended at her request.
Our task had been to “deliver” the dignitaries to the event
in our ‘Victoria’ Carriage, one of the two carriages we used for
weddings. Those dignitaries had been the Mayor of Boston and