Page 193 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK TWO "BOSTON 1960 TO 1970"
P. 193

There were two beautifully symmetrical holes close to
            where his vehicle number was painted and nothing else to see.
               The bus depot was on route for both of us and we called in,
            complete with a bus loaded with amused passengers. Together
            we confront his supervisor. Disbelief and baffled, would
            possibly describe his reaction; I left my details and went on my
            way closely followed by the bus that decided to let me go
            ahead this time!
               I don’t think I ever heard anything else about this incident;
            perhaps it was too far-fetched for even a bus company
            management to believe?

               Another short tale from the 1970’s

             FJK 140 and the Lady Driver
               This tale is from the really early days.  The FJK 140 was our
            third ever lorry and the first HGV. It had come second-hand by
            way of local haulier Herbert Epton. He had contacts in Grimsby
            and from time to time bought second hand Lorries direct from
            Glentons of Grimsby the Wonderloaf Bakery. They were all box
            body Lorries, always well maintained regardless of cost and
            had never done hard work.
               FJK 140 had the added facility of a rear tail lift and long
            body. I used this lorry myself for a year or more delivering for
            a local manufacturer of dehydrated foods.
               It was the very lorry I used for my HGV Driving test. I have
            never let on that I had been using it for several months before
            taking my test as the contract I had managed to obtain with
            local manufacturer Swell Foods would not wait while I
            organised myself a test date. Consequently when the time
            came for the actual test, I knew the lorry well enough to pass
            first time!

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