Page 7 - 2021 Resident Fact Sheet FINAL rev_Neat
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Research and Scholarly Activity
Professor Allen has joined the department having had a long career as a successful highly
published clinician-scientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School.
The focus of his basic and translational science has been on the studying and defining the
mechanisms controlling excitation contraction (EC) coupling in skeletal muscle, specifically
structure - function relationships of the ryanodine receptor and the interactions of the
ryanodine receptor with other proteins in the triad. Much of this basic research has
examined and defined the mechanisms causing susceptibility to Malignant Hyperthermia, a
disease caused by mutations in EC coupling machinery which is triggered by exposure to
volatile anesthetic agents.
In addition to his basic and translational lab research, a significant portion of his research career also
focused on clinical research. In this regard, he worked with other anesthesiologists, fostered collaborations
with many of his surgical colleagues, and served as a bridge between the clinic and basic science. He served on
the IRB in Boston for 30 years and is currently an alternate member of the IRB at the UTGSM.
His current role in the Department of Anesthesiology research effort is primarily mentorship of both faculty and
residents toward achievement of a higher level in their academic pursuits. This role specifically includes: helping
with design and carrying out clinical research projects; preparation of grant applications; establishing
relationships with foundations and pharma for grant support; and preparation of abstracts, presentations, and
full length papers for presentation and/or publication regionally and nationally.
Scholarly Activity 2020-2021
Resident Scholarly Activity
Posters/Abstracts at National Meetings - 6
Presentations made at:
Faculty Scholarly Activity American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting
Book Chapters - 10 Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology
Journal Articles – 12 Tennessee Society of Anesthesiologists
Presentations - 19 International Anesthesia Research Society Annual Meeting
Invited Lectures - 3 Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting
Number of Grants with Faculty in Leadership Role - 21 Society of Critical Care Medicine
Targeted Pain Treatment Conference
Publications made in: American College of Cardiology National Conference
The 24th Annual Louis Cancellaro Primary Care Conference
Journal of Biological Chemistry North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting
Anesthesiology 23rd Fall Psychiatric Symposium
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience Tennessee Pain Society
Frontiers in Physiology Pain Society of the Carolinas Annual Meeting
Journal of Palliative Medicine Pacific Spine and Pain Society
Journal of the International Neuromodulation Society
Pain Medicine