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                       Simulation at The University of Tennessee

                                         Our department is committed to preparing residents for American Board of Anesthesiology
                                         (ABA)  certification. We provide numerous educational experiences in the simulation center,
                                         both in preparation for the ABA applied Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) exam and
                                         for  clinical  education.    The  OSCE  began  March  2018,  and  all  residents  completing
                                         residency from October 2016 forward will be required to complete this exam in addition to
                                         the  Structured  Oral  Exam  as  the  final  stage  of  ABA  board  certification.
                                         Our current simulation experiences include:
                                       •      Peripheral IV insertion                      •      Anesthesia Monitors and
                                       •      Sterile Procedure and Central Venous Catheter Insertion  Induction Sequence
                                       •      Airway simulation with all available airway devices  •  Difficult Intubation
                                       •      Cricothyroidotomy simulation on pig cadavers  •     Total Spinal
                                       •      Epidural and Spinal anesthetic placement     •      Aspiration
                                       •      Multidisciplinary Obstetric Emergency Scenarios  •  Laryngospasm
                                       •      Surface Ultrasound including: EFAST exam     •      Amniotic Fluid Embolism
                                              (Ultrasound exam of pericardial, pleural, hepatorenal,      •  Medication Errors
                                              and rectovesicular spaces).                  •      Malignant Hyperthermia
                                       •      Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE)                Case Simulation
                                       •      Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)
        Anesthesia Olympics

        In addition to these simulation experiences, The University of Tennessee Department of Anesthesiology
        participates in the Anesthesia Olympics. Anesthesia Olympics is a simulation experience focused on skills
        specific to anesthesia. Anesthesia Olympics evaluates residents as they move through a series of six
        work stations where they are asked to demonstrate a skill that is appropriate for their expected level of
        training.  Each  station  has  a  simulator  patient  or  a  human  patient  played  by  an  actor,  and  a  faculty
        mentor who evaluates performance using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to determine
        strengths as well as areas that need to be further developed.
        Six stations including:
        1) IV access/ intubation
        2) arterial line placement                                        ABA APPLIED Exam Simulation
        3 Hand off report to PACU
        4) Preoperative interview                                       in
        5) Machine Check                              APPLIED Exam Simulation. CA3s participate in OSCE and SOE exams that simulate the
        6) High fidelity simulation of Intra operative Hypoxemia  actual day of the APPLIED exam.
                                                      This includes a seven-station circuit that evaluates their proficiency in seven of the nine
                                                      skills listed in the OSCE Content Outline, followed by two SOE encounters as one would
                                                      experience on exam day. The residents participate in this exercise on a second day as
                                                      well, reversing the order. This simulation experience helps prepare residents for what to
                                                      expect on exam day as well as practice their skills in both areas tested – OSCE skills
                                                      and oral examinations.
                     Anesthesia Hub

         "Anesthesia Hub", a mobile app that brings numerous resources like schedules, important numbers, clinical protocols and much more
         together into a single, secure place right at your fingertips.

                                                                                                       Look up vacation,
           Select 'Contacts'
               to find                                                                                call and conference
           information for                                                                              schedules from
           everyone in the                                                                            anywhere by tapping
            department.                                                                                   Schedules

                                                                                    Find important
                                  Tap on 'Facility       Our Landing Page         information such as
                                 Resources' to find    The Hub is all you need!    rotation goals and
                               useful numbers in the                               objectives under
                                    hospital.                                    'Residency Resources'
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