Page 12 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 12

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            Alcohol Levels

            All employees must ensure that, when they attend work or return
            to work following a break taken off the premises, the alcohol level
            in  their  system  does  not  exceed  the  Company’s  maximum
            permitted  limit.  This  applies  to  all  employees  of  the  Company,
            whatever  their  role,  and  whether  or  not  the  employee  will  be
            driving  a  Company  vehicle  or  their  own  vehicle  on  Company

            The Company’s maximum permitted limit is anything at or below the legal drink drive limit,
            as set out in the table below:
                                    Level of Alcohol           Legal Drink Drive

                                    Micrograms per 100                 35
                                    millilitres of breath
                                    Milligrams per 100                 80
                                    millilitres of blood

                                    Milligrams per 100                 107
                                    millilitres of urine
            It  is  important  to  remember  the  ‘morning  after  effect’.  Alcohol  consumed  the  previous
            evening may still be in the blood stream the following morning.

            If special circumstances arise which require the drinking of alcoholic beverages on or off the
            premises during working hours, employees should discuss this with one of the Directors/
            Managers. Employees who entertain or are entertained by clients during working hours or
            at  events  on  behalf  of  the  company  employees  should  ensure  that  they  only  drink  in
            moderation, i.e., the level of alcohol in their blood must not exceed the Company’s maximum
            permitted limit and their drinking conduct must not bring the Company into disrepute at any

            Disciplinary Action
            Any breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Company
            Disciplinary Procedures. Instances of repeated or Gross Misconduct may result in Dismissal.

            Do not work or drive while you are under the influence of any alcohol or drugs. Listed below
            are drugs that are generally accepted as being banned substances. If you are taking any of
            these drugs you should not be driving (Check with your GP before driving):-
                •  Amphetamines
                •  Methylamphetamines
                •  Benzodiazepine                                     Be aware that these drugs and alcohol can
                •  Methaqualone                                          stay in your body for up to 72 hours
                •  Barbiturates                                         Random testing is also carried out and
                •  Propoxyphene                                          could lead to disciplinary procedures
                                                                          being followed if a positive test is
                •  Phencyclidine                                                    suspected.
                •  Cannabis

                •  Cocaine
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