Page 18 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 18
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
PPE Request Form
When you require new uniform, you will be required to complete this or a similar form so that the
equipment you request can be ordered. Only limited stocks are kept on the shelf so it is important
that you are organised and order in good time.
When ordering new PPE, you may be asked to bring the old equipment with you for inspection.
This is so the company can ensure that the equipment provided is fit for purpose and lasting a
reasonable amount of time.
AMS Ltd ’s minimum commitment to PPE
Hard Hat EN397 – EN50365
Safety Glasses EN166 1.F – EN 166 1 B
Respiratory Protective Equipment EN149 (P3 filtered only)
Safety Footwear S1P -SRC
Rigger Boots S3, WR, HRO, SRC
Can I buy my own boots for work at AMS Ltd ?
Drivers are free to purchase their own safety boots, for which AMS Ltd will make a financial
contribution of up to £35. (Correct at the time of printing but please check with your manager)
Naturally, they must conform to the safety standards above and you are required to show your
new boots to your manager who will check they meet the standards required for AMS Ltd before
you wear them for work.
Important: Your PPE should be worn at all times
whether you are working on an AMS Ltd site or third
party site, it is there for your protection and to help you
be seen when out of your cab..
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