Page 19 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 19

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

             Respiratory Protective Equipment

          If you are required to use Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) to carry
          out your role at AMS Ltd, then please read the guidance below:

               Care and cleaning of RPE
          All required staff have been issued with RPE

          Correct care and maintenance of RPE must be followed where required.

          You are required to be clean shaven daily and if not, a disposable razor will now be held at our
          site for those of you who have forgotten, this will ensure a good face seal is achieved.

          Dust masks should not be left lying around the site and it is your duty to ensure the cleanliness
          and safe storage of your RPE items.

               Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust

          Silica is a natural substance found in most rocks, sand and clay and in products such as bricks
          and concrete. In the workplace these materials create dust when they are cut, sanded down etc.
          Some of this dust may be fine enough to reach deep inside the lung, this is known as respirable
          crystalline silica (RCS) and can cause harm to health. Significant exposure to RCS can cause
          silicosis and lung cancer.

          Occupational exposure to RCS can occur in many industries, including:

             •  Construction and demolition processes – concrete, stone, brick, mortar
             •  Quarrying
             •  Slate mining and slate processing; potteries, ceramics, ceramic glaze manufacture, brick and tile

             •  Concrete  product  manufacture;  monumental  and  architectural  masonry  manufacture,  stone
                 fireplace and kitchen worktop manufacture
             •  Recycling

          Certain activities create dust containing RCS, such as:

             •  Grinding, drilling, cutting, sanding, chiselling, blasting
             •  Polishing, conveying
             •  Fettling
             •  Mixing and handling, shovelling dry material; rock drilling/breaking/crushing/screening.

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