Page 2 - CYAA (Vic) 2022 Winter Series Race one. Post Race Notes
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Twenty six years of Classic Yacht racing on Port Phillip.

                                                            CYAA 2022 Winter Series at RMYS
                                                                                                                                              8    May 2022
                                                          A brave new world of classic yachting

                      CONDITIONS                            style sleigh ride on a final run under               comment  from    Greville    “Thanks
                                                            spinnaker put paid to her challengers.               must  go  to  the  classics  in  getting
                                                                                                                 Sirocco to the line yesterday ! As you
                                                            After duelling with these three fleet
        Royal  Melbourne  Yacht  Squadron                                                                        know it was a perfect day for sailing
                                                            leaders,  Acrospire  III    finally  ran
        was the venue for Race one of  Classic                                                                   when  you  have  enthusiasm  but  no
                                                            clear to bring the fleet home for line
        2022 Winter series.                                                                                      crew , just friends who want to go out
                                                            honours by a comfortable margin.
                                                                                                                 on a yacht , but we had a great day and
        Melbourne’s classic yacht fleet revel
                                                            Tight corrected time groups featured                 I was pleased as to the boat speed etc
        in their first race of the winter season
                                                            in  the  race  one  results.  Photo’s                !”
                                                            supplied from some of the race one
                                                                                                                 Post race, the RMYS Marina saw ten
        After  a  tight  contest  between    the contestants  show  these  duels.  One                           of our fleet tie up for socializing. This

        Charlie  Peel  design  built  in  1923, result  item  to  note  is  race  result
                                                                                                                 was the opportunity for making sure
        Acrospire III and the 30 square meter scoring  is  now  limited  to  series                              we  all  stay  in  touch  on  the  CYAA
        adapted for Port Phillip conditions, entrants only.
        Pastime  II,  the  Phillip  Rhodes
                                                            The feature classic yacht for race one
        designed Fairwinds led the fleet home                                                                    For those non racing CYAA member
                                                            was the first time appearance of the
        on  corrected  time.  Congratulations                                                                    these  post  race  meet  ups  are  the
                                                            1938 built S&S designed Sirocco. Her
        for  this  stirring  win  goes  to  her                                                                  opportunity to use your boat and be
                                                            current owner Greville Edgerton put
        skipper Mark Chew and his long time                                                                      part of the CYAA on water activity.
                                                            in a special effort to build up a crew
        crew.  It wasn’t easy.  But a Nantucket                                                                  For  our  non  sailing  members  the
                                                            to handle her for race one.  Post race
      Page 2                                                                                                     RMYS  marina  is  the  place  for  a
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