Page 3 - CYAA (Vic) 2022 Winter Series Race one. Post Race Notes
P. 3

pleasant  Sunday  morning.  Like  all people who put him up and put up                                   On  a  personal  note  Phillip  tells  us
        good football clubs used to have.                    with him. He’s so great for company,
                                                                                                                 he’ll be on his way this week to Fiji
                                                             is our Phillip.
        For  now,  except  for  the  magic                                                                       from Brisbane. Considering the most
        enbedded in the handicappers ruler, Sydney winter racing conducted by                                    likely unfavorable easterly winds, he
        race one is all done. It’s now on the the                    Sydney  Amateurs                is    all   figures  Coffs  Harbour  and  Lord
        the brave new world of race two. Pre happening. It’s a rain or shine affair                              Howe Island may be the go for stops

        race notes for race two at RMYS will reports Phillip.                                                    along the way.
        be generated next week.
                                                             To  promote  the  CYAA  mission  to                 So time to wrap up the Classic racing
        During  the  week  news  from  our fellow  Sydney  Amateur  members                                      news till next week. To our members

        Sydney  Rep.  Phillip  Brown  was Philip  generated  a  February  2022                                   who want to join in with the winter
        received.                                            Cup Regatta story that features in the              Series fleet on a race by race basis go
                                                             April 2022 edition  of the SASC News.               to this link.
        Phillip tells us of his good times when
                                                             Use this link to take a look. Page 20
        he  visited  us  during  the  February                                                                   All the best and regards to all. Peter
                                                             is the location.
        Cup Regatta and says thank to to the                                                                     Costolloe CYAA (Vic) Handicapper

                                                                    TABLE  of  CONTENTS

                        SAIL No.   YACHT NAME                   Page                 SAIL No.   YACHT NAME                   Page

                         S1       ACROSPIRE 111 …....8,9, 10, 11, 42, 47               R502     MARTINI  …......…....24
                         S1        ACROSPIRE 1V …....50, 51                                    R450     MERCEDES III  …....3,14, 15, 16, 17,18, 39, 40, 41
                         S27      AKALA  …............…..27, 38                        H161      PASTIME II  …....…..8, 12, 30, 36, 39
                         96        AVIAN  ….........……..22                              GH300    SEABIRD  …..........…46
                         200      DINGO  ….........….….20, 21                          AUS252  SIROCCO  ….........….8,19, 32
                         321      ETTRICK  …........…..8, 9, 20, 22, 31                322       SIROCCO  ….........….8, 26
                         R604   FAIR WINDS….....… 7,8, 16,18, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37       309       SNOW GOOSE  ….....8, 28
                         R207   JEDDA  …........….. …25                                R54       WANITA  ….........…..24, 25
                         B23      KINGURRA  …...… ..17, 18, 29, 33, 38, 43             318       ZEPHYR  …..........…. 8, 44

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